Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This article is about a/an transformation device in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.

The Moonstone Morpher is the transformation device of the Moonstone Silver Ranger.



Button Layout[]

Shiny Kiramai Changer (Buttons)

Button Layout

  • Left Button: Communication.
  • Middle Button: Initiates Transformation of Moonstone Silver.
  • Right Button: Summons Jewelzord Driller.


"Let's Dazzle!"
ā€•Transformation initiation announcement[src]

"(Rock music) Oh, Wonderful!"
ā€•Transformation sound[src]

"Dazzling! Sparkling!"
ā€•Moonstone Crystalian Jewel transformation initiation announcement[src]

"(Techno beat) Shining! (techno beat continues) Shining!"
ā€•Shining Kiramai Stone transformation stand by announcement[src]

"(Rock music) Oh, Dazzling!"
ā€•Moonstone Crystalian Jewel transformation sound[src]

To transform, Moonstone Silver presses the middle button that looks like a Power Ranger helemt, then shouts "Silver Machine! Dazzling! Wonderful!", then spins the disc to transform. By lowering his visor and shout Sparkling Jewel Change and then spins the disc again, he can transform into the Moonstone Crystalian Jewel.

Search Mode[]

"Searching! Searching!"
ā€•Search Mode initiation[src]

This mode allows Moonstone Silver to detect the energy of hidden treasures across the galaxy. It is activated by spinning the device's disc- without pressing any buttons.



See Also:[]
