Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-tenraigerThis article is about a/an ranger in Odotai Sentai Tenraiger.
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"Libra! Tenrai Hakari, Miyako Izumi! (リブラ!テンライハカリ、泉 宮子! Ribura! Tenrai Hakari, Izumi Miyako?)"
―Tenrai Hakari's roll call

"Libra! Tenrai Hakari! (リブラ!テンライハカリ! Ribura! Tenrai Hakari!?)"
―Tenrai Hakari's original roll call

Miyako Izumi (泉 宮子 Izumi Miyako?), originally referred to as Libra (リブラ Ribura?), is a 23 (later 24) year-old waitress who serves as Tenrai Hakari (テンライハカリ Tenrai Hakari?, Divine Scales), the Pink Ranger of the Tenraigers. She ranks eighth on the Tenraiger Hierarchy as the lowest ranking Second. As a Kazeranger, she is second-in-command to Tenrai Mizutsukai.

Miyako's birthday is September 29th. She represents the zodiac Libra.


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Miyako is the charming and diplomatic Libra of the team, known by them as the "Mediator" due to her habit of mediating arguments between the Tenraigers. Though Miyako has only been a Tenraiger for about three years, she was scouted by Astraeus long before, as he knew that when he formed a new team, they would need someone to keep them from tearing themselves apart, and Miyako was just the right person to do that. She acts as a big sister to the majority of the team, especially Kazumi, and is the most compassionate member amongst them.

Being an extrovert and a social butterfly, Miyako is arguably the most approachable Tenraiger. She displays an incredibly sense of charm, eloquence, and open-mindedness. She is a big fan of peace, and always tries to keep things as fair as she can, and she is an optimist who is very idealistic, something that originally annoyed some of her teammates such as Yuki, as she can sometimes come off as an airhead because of this. However, underneath her seemingly shallow and airheaded surface, Miyako is extremely clever, adaptable, and downright manipulative at times, and she is usually able to use her words to get what she wants. However, she can also be unreliable or indecisive at times.

Overall, Miyako is the peacekeeper of the Tenraigers, a well-spoken young woman who is able to use her words to an expert level. Her optimism is generally required among the Tenraigers to keep them from giving up, as she is the most optimistic member of the team and always the last to give up. Like Kosuke, she relies on her intuition over logic in battle, and her emotional intelligence level is extremely high. While her position as a second-in-command is often challenged or disregarded, she is a strong leader in her own way. She is able to stay neutral when faced with her rival, Augur, and her overall even-temper and eloquence allow her to be an important addition to the Tenraiger team.

Miyako's moral alignment is neutral good.

Tenrai Hakari[]

Tenrai Hakari's insert theme is Faith, Keep Moving.


Tenrai Hakari

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Libra Scales

Appearances: Tenraiger Episodes TBA




  • Tenraigers - Teammates
    • Hirangers
      • Kosuke Hino/Tenrai Ohitsuji: Generally, Miyako and Kosuke are good friends, being similar in age and beliefs. Even outside of being Tenraigers, they spend time together quite often, whether it be having lunch together, or Miyako asking Kosuke to come shopping with her to hold her bags. As Tenraigers, Kosuke typically trusts Miyako to handle whatever he asks of her, even though many of the other Tenraigers don't believe in her as much.
      • Homura Yuge/Tenrai Iteza: Originally, Miyako and Homura did not like each other very much, as Homura found Miyako to be spoiled, and too airheaded, while Miyako found Homura too determined and strict. However, they later became good friends, with Miyako often pushing Homura out of her comfort zone, and Homura pushing her to be more independent. Currently, they are good friends as two second-in-commands, despite their different leadership styles.
      • Katsuro Ito/Tenrai Shishi: Miyako and Katsuro have a good relationship, with her often acting like a big sister of sorts towards him, and often taking him shopping, as she does with Kosuke. Katsuro also often goes to her for advice on his personal life, which Miyako typically gives. Though they don't interact as much as Tenraigers, Katsuro respects her enough to listen to her when she is leading.
    • Tsuchirangers
      • Reina Maruyama/Tenrai Otome: Miyako and Reina are close friends, though, like the other Kazerangers, they originally disliked each other for their opposing mindsets. However, once they got over that, they became good friends who often spent time together outside of their duties, eventually bringing the other two girls along as well.
      • Tadashi Sato/Tenrai Oushi: Though Miyako and Tadashi have not interacted very much, there is certainly some kind of respect between them.
      • Riku Ishikawa/Tenrai Yagi: Riku and Miyako originally did not like each other very much, as Riku, like with most of the other Tenraigers, did not believe she was fit for her role. However, he eventually learned to give the other Tenraigers a chance, and their relationship has since improved.
    • Kazerangers - Teammates
      • Ruka Kaze/Tenrai Mizutsukai - Leader (as Kazerangers): Ruka and Miyako are close friends, even outside of being Tenraigers. Despite her reputation as an airhead, Ruka trusts her as his second-in-command, often asking for her help or counsel when working. They share a similar mindset, and as such get along much better than they do with other teammates.
      • Toshiro Kesen/Tenrai Futago: Arguably, Miyako is Toshiro's favorite Tenraiger. They are extremely close, often acting like siblings, with Miyako being one of the few Tenraigers who does not find Toshiro to be annoying. They have a good relationship, with Miyako helping Toshiro become closer with the rest of their teammates.
    • Mizurangers
      • Yuki Tsukioka/Tenrai Sasori - Leader (as Tenraigers): Yuki and Miyako are good friends, which surprised the majority of the Tenraigers considering their opposing natures. Though Yuki often calls Miyako an airhead, while she calls him a tightwad, they generally get along quite well for opposites, and he usually listens to her mediating advice.
      • Mizuki Nishina/Tenrai Sakana: Among the second-in-commands, Mizuki and Miyako are much closer than they are with the other two, being similar in age and attitude. They are close friends, though not as close as Mizuki is to other Tenraigers such as Ruka. As they are both seen as the two "airheaded" seconds, they are often seen with each other in the World of Stars, as they can relate with each other.
      • Kazumi Shimizu/Tenrai Kani: Miyako and Kazumi have a close relationship as each other's sister-like figure, more so than with Reina and Homura due to them being the more laid-back female Tenraigers. As Tenraigers, Miyako is often seen alongside Kazumi in battle due to the leaders often putting them together. Outside of being Tenraigers, Miyako often brings Kazumi on shopping trips or to lunch, as they bond over their shared ability to relate to each other's pasts.







Behind the Scenes[]


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  • Miyako is the tenth modern Tenraiger, having served three years, since the age of twenty. However, she was chosen by Astraeus as a teenager, but refused the role.
  • Miyako is the sixth oldest Tenraiger.
  • Miyako is the first Pink Ranger to have a technology theme.
  • Outside of being an Air Sign, Miyako is most similar to an Earth Sign.


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Icon-tenraiger Odotai Sentai Tenraiger
Kosuke Hino - Homura Yuge - Katsuro Ito
Reina Maruyama - Tadashi Sato - Riku Ishikawa
Ruka Kaze - Miyako Izumi - Toshiro Kesen
Yuki Tsukioka - Mizuki Nishina - Kazumi Shimizu
World of Stars: Astraeus - Eos - Notus - Eurus - Zephyrus - Boreas
Land of Fire: Blaze - Azara
Land of Earth: Forest - Azalea
Land of Air: Celeste - Caelus
Land of Water: Marina - Caspian
Others: Kishirangers - Kyurangers
Transformation Devices
Zodiac Hot Ken - Zodiac Cool Ken
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Fire Cannon (Fire Sword - Fire Nunchuks - Fire Bow) - Earth Cannon (Earth Flail -Earth Spear - Earth Scythe) - Air Cannon (Air Javelin - Air Fan - Air Shurikens) - Water Cannon (Water Chakram - Water Trident - Water Dagger)
Tenrai Shot
Control Gloves - Tenrai Brace
Mecha and Robos
Zodiac Beasts
Aries Ram - Taurus Bull - Gemini Twins - Cancer Crab - Leo Lion - Virgo Maiden - Libra Scales - Scorpio Scorpion - Sagittarius Archer - Capricorn Goat - Aquarius Waterbearer - Pisces Fish
Nenshou Gattai Fire Mage - Seishi Gattai Earth Mage - Bouage Gattai Air Mage - Nagareru Gattai Water Mage
Hikuuki Gattai TenraiHot - Mizuji Gattai TenraiCool - Odotai Gattai TenraiOh
Earth's Core Syndicate Yoake Tribe
Godfather: Daybreak
Consigliere: Phoebus - Phoebe
Underbosses: Burnout - Romar - Tempus - Necron - Aura - Quarris - Augur - Keres - Vampris - Agrona - Maelstrom - Riven
Caporegrimes: to be added
Grunts: Lycan Soldiers
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