Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Military Megazord was the combination of the Military Zords: Air Force's Jet, Army's Tank, Navy's Ship, and Marine's Mine Truck. However, Jet forms the head, back, wings and the helmet, Tank expands in bigger size, extends the torso and forms the arms, and Navy Ship and Marine Truck forms the right and left legs respectively and hips.


Jet Military Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Jet Military Zord was Dale's Military zord. The Zord was based on the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. It can fire missiles as well as rockets and machine guns. It forms the head, helmet, back (usual) and wings (sometimes) of Military Megazord and head and helmet of Override Megazord.

Tank Military Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

The Tank Military Zord was Sophia's Military zord. The Zord was based on the Tank. It can fire rockets and cannons as well and defeat enemies. It forms torso and arms of Military Megazord and the main body of Override Megazord.

Navy Ship Military Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

The Navy Ship Military Zord was Todd's Military zord. The Zord was based on the Battleship F802. It can fire rockets and cannons. It forms right leg, and the right half of the hips of the Military Megazord and also connects the hips with the Mine Truck Military Zord and later forms the right foot of Override Megazord.

Mine Truck Military Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

The Mine Truck Military Zord was Warren's Military zord. This machine was based on the RG-33L (six wheel extended variant) armored vehicle. It can fire machine guns and turrets. It forms left leg, and the left half of the hips of Military Megazord and also connects the hips with Navy Ship Military Zord and later forms the left foot of Override Megazord.

Override Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

The Override Megazord is the combination of the Nitro Megazord and the Military Megazord. The GT Driver Zord forms lower torso, the Buggy Driver Zord forms the waist and the back, the Truck Driver Zord forms the hips, the thighs and the legs, the Plane Driver Zord forms the lower left arm, the Chopper Driver Zord forms the right lower arm, the Limo Driver Zord forms the shoulders, the Jet Military Zord forms the head, helmet, and wings, the Tank Military Zord forms the main body (torso) and upper arms, the Ship Military Zord forms the right foot, and the Mine Truck Military Zord forms left foot.

Alternate Combinations[]

Military Caravan Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Caravan Zord can combine with the Military Megazord to form the Military Caravan Megazord in which the Caravan Driver Zord becomes a shovel to transform into Military Caravan Megazord to defeat the enemies.

Military Mazada Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Mazada Zord combine with the Military Megazord to form the Military Mazada Megazord in which the Mazada Driver Zord becomes a fist to transform into Military Mazada Megazord to defeat the enemies.

Military Boat Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Boat Zord combine with the Military Megazord to form the Military Boat Megazord in which the Boat Zord becomes a dual drill on Military Megazord one on each arm.

Military Sedan Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Sedan Zord combine with the Military Megazord to form the Military Sedan Megazord in which the Sedan Zord becomes a hammer to destroy the enemies.

Military Snowmobile Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers: Vehicle Squad]]

Snowmobile Zord can combine with Military Megazord to form Military Snowmobile Megazord in which the Snowmobile Zord forms the ice skates and shoulderpads.
