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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor is the fifteenth episode of Power Rangers Universe. This episode features the in-the-flesh introduction of Mikhail Toxstatin, as well as the departure of Dimitri and Moose for independent operations.


Still searching for his cousin, Dimitri logs into a database where he could possibly find clues for his resurgence. While looking, he discovers Mikhail’s past before joining the Arkeyan Empire, learning of his past. Meanwhile, Moose follows Dimitri to oversee his activity and continue to venture on his past as well.


Wilton O'Neil, another O'Neil brother, has a council meeting on Xibalba where the oppressed peoples can express their concerns. He says he will listen as long as the people fix their own problems. Mikhail Toxstatin, who has been recruited to His Magnificence's cause, is bored by the proceedings so he injects some Roswells with a poison. Onboard the Destiny, the team has two more Prometheus-related Sector Keys to locate. On the promenade, Arthur is curious about what the Prometheus even entails, as he, Ryan, Megan, and Wild Bill are discussing the two remaining Sector Keys they need to unlock the legendary ship. As this happens, Joi orders them to the bridge, as an Arkeyan threat has been reported, and is more significant than usual, Florian and Bronzee are not far behind, as they are having some comical trouble doing cleaning work. On the bridge, there is a report of civilians fighting each other on Planet Truro - and the cause of the chaos is not yet clear. Colonel Xiao spins the Ranger Lottery, and he, Arthur, Moose, Dimitri, and Megan are chosen; Moose is still not too keen on working with Dimitri until he has proof Dimitri did not murder Professor Levictus Cornwall. After they set off, Florian and Bronzee arrive late on the bridge, all covered in mess.

The group of rangers head down to Earth and see both people and Roswells all acting like zombies. They morph and try fighting everyone off, but they are shocked to see several Star Battleforce soldiers also mutated. Arthur, seeing an advantage, uses the Hypno Sector Key to put them to sleep after Dimitri warns the others not to get hit, otherwise they too will be infected. He uses the Shield Sector Key to block the zombies which allows them to escape into a warehouse. After the others manage to get all the infected soldiers to safety, many of them wake up after Dimitri uses his tail to inject each of them with an antidote, which seemingly works. He them sends those still onboard the Destiny info on how to make the antidote which he is sure will cure the zombies; Joi suggests Ryan, WIld Bill and Russell head out to their coordinates to provide assistance for them. Elsewhere, as Octiqua is provided some swift upgrades using Cereberos's DNA samples, Toxstatin recalls the day he pledged his allegiance to His Magnificence and the Arkeyan Empire. Now that he is a general, he wants to make killing the Star Battleforce Power Rangers his first order of business. As Bill, Ryan and Russell are filled in on the situation in Truro, Dimitri asks Colonel Xiao if he can work on his own after this mission is over. Moose is against it, but Colonel Xiao knows it has to do with Toxstatin, prompting Dimitri to explain that all signs from this zombie infection point to Toxstatin who he believes is on Earth.

After he accesses a database providing histories of certain individuals from different Universal Sectors, Dimitri explains how Toxstatin betrayed his people and joined the Arkeyans, and eventually rising to become the empire’s top assassin, having murdered many high-ranking Star Battleforce officials. Moose retorts by claiming that both brothers are scum, but Arthur thinks it could very be Toxstatin who murdered Professor Cornwall. Dimitri admits that when he had found his brother’s location, he rushed over and attempted to try the new antidote on Professor Cornwall, and that’s what Moose saw. When Moose, shocked that Dimitri kept this from him, questions Dimitri’s judgement, Dimitri says it wouldn’t have mattered and he regards his brother’s sins are his sins too. Dimitri then finds himself questioned by the likes of Megan, Ryan and even Colonel Xiao what his intentions are for when he finds Toxstatin. Stinger says he of course plans to kill him with his own hands. Arthur suggests they should all help Dimitri take out Toxstatin together, but Dimitri has none of it, stating that this is his business, and his alone - as they may have other enemies to focus on. In other objectives, the teams have to focus on curing the zombies first. They all split up and spread the antidote. Later, Megan, Ryan and Bill help Arthur administer an antidote onto an infected citizen. Arthur is curious as to why Dimitri won’t let the rest of the team help him in tracking down Toxstatin, and Bill even reminds him that Moose may be assisting him in that mission, so he won’t be totally alone. Megan even speculates that Toxstatin may have been under Star Battleforce surveillance for several months prior to the program even beginning.

Across another part of Truro, Dimitri is resigned to the fact that the brother he once knew is dead. Russell tries to talk to Dimitri about his doubts and reminds him of what he said in the cave. Moose still wants to know why Dimitri wasn’t completely honest about the night the doctor was murdered. Colonel Xiao explains what he knows of Dimitri’s story. According to Colonel Xiao, Dimitri searched the galaxy for any information he could find on his brother, quite recklessly at that. When he heard that Star Battleforce had marked any race they deemed a threat for elimination, he initially decided against joining them, and this is what led to him siding with the Arkeyans, and in turn breaking into the Destiny in search of a Uni-Controller. Since then, Dimitri realised Star Battleforce's true intentions, and got his head on straight, but maybe still holds out hope his brother can be saved. Moose remembers Professor Cornwall's words about having compassion and wanting to save lives instead of being a brutal killing machine. Moose, desperate for an answer, again asks what he will do if he finds Toxstatin. Incensed, Dimitri repeats that he will kill him, but Moose, relieved that it was Toxstatin, not Dimitri, who was behind Professor Cornwall's death, finally agrees to join him in hunting Dimitri's cousin down. Colonel Xiao says they can settle their business while the rest of them continue to find the Prometheus.

Wilton continues to observe Truro, and conducts another offensive. when Colonel Xiao, Dimitri, Russell and Moose are alerted to this, they arrive on the scene and morph; Arthur and his entourage are summoned over to the scene as well. As Colonel Xiao's party take care of the Roswell onslaught, Toxstatin watches his cousin from a distance, slyly commenting over how strong he has become. After Arthur, Ryan, Megan and Bill arrive as reinforcements, Moose and Dimitri team up to take care of the Moonbillies, before the eight of them perform an All-Star Sector Blast at Wilton. After this is done, Russell asks Dimitri not to regret whatever decision he makes regarding his cousin; Dimitri promises. This touching moment is cut short when Wilton has an executive order from His Magnificence bestowed upon him, and to make matters worse, an A-Drone arrives on the scene as well. Colonel Xiao forms the Drago Pride Megazord with Russell and Dimitri, while the rest take care of an Arkeyan aerial offensive. As the fight intensifies, Arthur forms the Voyager Squad Megazord with Ryan, Megan, Moose and Bill, and after a long struggle, they combine into the Voyager Pride Megazord, despite Russell and Megan's warning that it could damage the zords; the combined megazord delivers an All-Star Universal Scramble Blast that takes care of the A-Drone and Wilton; although Wilton survives, and is subsequently taken aback by a few Moonbillies.

In the aftermath, Russell is put upon again, having to put the zords involved in the Voyager Pride combo under maintenance again, while Arthur, Bill, and even the Saint Denis duo tease him about how much it will cost for him to upgrade his equipment to prevent zord straining. At this moment, Colonel Xiao arrives on the bridge and informs the crew that Dimitri and Moose have decided to take a leave of absence for independent operations - in particular hunting down Toxstatin; the two of them have each sent letters wishing the rest of the team well. He then adds that their seperate mission will allow the rest of the crew to focus on their main objectives in regards to reclaiming Universal Sectors occupied by the Arkeyans. Elsewhere, Moose, who is very enthusiastic about his new partnership with Dimitri, leaves with him with the intent of helping him find Toxstatin, and bringing him to justice.


Sector Keys[]

  • Ranger Series Red - Leo (Leo Voyager 1), Leo (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Orange - Scorpio (Scorpio Voyager 2), Shield, Scorpio (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Blue - Lupus (Lupus Voyager 3)
  • Ranger Series Gold - N/A
  • Ranger Series Black - Taurus (Taurus Voyager 5), Hypno, Taurus (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Silver - N/A
  • Ranger Series Green - Chameleon (Chameleon Voyager 7)
  • Ranger Series Pink - N/A
  • Ranger Series Yellow - Dorado (Dorado Voyager 9)
  • Ranger Series Drago - Drago (Drago Voyager 10), Drago (All-Star Sector Blast)
  • Ranger Series Aqua - Ursa Minor (All-Star Sector Blast), Ursa Minor (Ursa Voyager 11)


See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars • 2: Arkeyans Unleashed • 3: The Dream Team • 4: Blood and Poison • 5: The Little Android That Could • 6: Nine's Company • 7: Species at Rest • 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style • 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars • 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? • 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places • 13: Belly of the Beast • 14: Eleven's a Crowd • 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time • 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art • 18: The Master and The Molotov • 19: Nowhere to Glow • 20: Money Lending and Other Sins • 21: Crystal Maze • 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago • 23: Russian Revolution • 24: Prometheus • 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity • 26: Lure • 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange • 28: Make the Universe Great Again • 29: Tannhäuser Gate • 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures • 32: The Delights of Van Horn • 33: The Serpent's Venom • 34: Ancient History • 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal • 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art • 37: Welcome to the New World • 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed • 39: Hell Hath No Fury • 40: A New Power • 41: What Happens in the Dark... • 42: ...Comes Out in the Light • 43: The Orion Project • 44: Fresh Milk • 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout • 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene • 48: Predator • 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald • 51: Doradoball • 52: Phil Bell Rides Again • 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector • 55: One Last Thing • 56: To Xibalba • 57: His Magnificence's Identity • 58: The World We Left Behind • 59: Magnificence Unleashed • 60: The End Game
