Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"With a bright imagination! Railer Green!"
ā€•Mikey's roll call[src]

Mikey Brown is Railer Green, the Green Ranger of the Rescue Railers.




Mikey is the comic-relief of the team. He doesn't take things too seriously and often makes a lot of jokes. Even in fights, Mikey jokes around with a lot of his enemies, often mocking and making fun of them. However, he is the youngest of the team and when things get difficult, he has a tendency to be cowardly against enemies who can prove dangerous.

His fighting style is full of moves that simply serve to humiliate the enemy. He acts as the "little brother" of the team, often being the happy-go-lucky and childish member of the Ranger team. He often annoys the team with his bad jokes, but they prove that they still accept him as their friend and teammate.

Railer Green[]

"Rangers now departing! Railer Green! Railer Green!"
ā€•Primary transformation announcement[src]

"Railer Green! Railer Green!"
ā€•Secondary transformation announcement[src]

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Green!"
ā€•Transfer announcement[src]


Green costume

Railer Green is Mikey's default form, accessed by inserting the Green Train Zord into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In this form, Railer Green uses the Tunnel Axe as his weapon.




Hyper Locomotion Railer Green

"Hyper Locomotion Railer Green! Hyper Locomotion Railer Green"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Hyper Locomotion is Mikey's power-up which he can access by putting the Hyper Locomotion Train Zord, that comes with the All-Express Cannon, into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher.



Transfer Morphs are alternate forms assumed when Railer Green swaps his Green T.Q.G. Train for other T.Q.G. Trains and inserts them into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher.


Mikey as Railer Red

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Red!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Railer Red is an alternate Transfer Morph form assumed when Railer Green swaps his Green T.Q.G. Train with Railer Red's Red T.Q.G. Train and inserts it into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In this form, Railer Green uses the track-themed Steam Slasher sword as his weapon.




Mikey as Railer Green

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Blue!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Railer Blue is an alternate Transfer Morph form assumed when Railer Green swaps his Green T.Q.G. Train with Railer Blue's Blue T.Q.G. Train and inserts it into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In this form, Railer Green uses the railway platform-themed Rail Trigger laser gun as his weapon.




Mikey as Railer Yellow

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Yellow!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Railer Yellow is an alternate Transfer Morph form assumed when Railer Green swaps his Green T.Q.G. Train with Railer Yellow's Yellow T.Q.G. Train and inserts it into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In this form, Railer Green uses the railway signal-themed Signal Hammer as his weapon.




Mikey as Railer Pink

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Pink!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Railer Pink is an alternate Transfer Morph form assumed when Railer Green swaps his Green T.Q.G. Train with Sally Jones's Pink T.Q.G. Train and inserts it into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In this form, Railer Pink uses the railway bridge-themed Bride Claw as his weapon.




Railer Green Alligator Mode

"Railer (previous color) has transferred to Railer Alligator!"
ā€•Transformation announcement[src]

Railer Green Alligator Mode is a form assumed when Railer Green swaps his T.Q.G. Train with the Alligator Train Car and inserts it into the Rail Rescue Brace Morpher. In addition to his chomp attack performed by capturing his opponent in his alligator jaw-themed arms, Railer Green Alligator Mode can also perform a whipping attack via the formation of a alligator tail from his rear end.




  • Mikey's roll call "Bright imagination", is a reference to his Sentai counterpart's name (Hikari) meaning light.

See Also:[]


Power nav icon Power Rangers Rescue Rails Icon-tokkyuger
Aiden Miller - Lloyd Lawton - Jill Davis - Mikey Brown - Sally Jones - Quincey Garcia - Shane Miller
Rail Rescue Brace Morpher - Rail RescueMorpher App - T.Q.G. Trains - Rainbow Pass - Rail Shooter
Steam Slasher - Rail Trigger - Signal Hammer - Tunnel Axe - Bridge Claw - Guidance Breaker
FullSteam Bazooka - All-Express Cannon
Tracker - Funnel - Rainbow Express Line President - Derrick Miller - Dino Charge Rangers - Maria Jones - Pasco
Zords and Megazords
Red T.Q.G. Train Zord - Blue T.Q.G. Train Zord - Yellow T.Q.G. Train Zord - Green T.Q.G. Train Zord - Pink T.Q.G. Train Zord - Shield CarZord - Carrier CarZord - Tank CarZord - Diesel Train CarZord - Fire CarZord - Police CarZord - Drill CarZord - Super Build CarZord - Lion Train Car - Eagle Train Car - Wildcat Train Car - Alligator Train Car - Panda Train Car - Claw Train Car - Hyper Locomotion Train Zord
Build CarZord (Super Ver.) - RPM Train - Samurai Train - Megaforce Train - Super Megaforce Train - Dino Charge Train - Beast Morphers Train - Christmas Train - Special ToQger Train
Rescue Rail T.Q.G. Megazord - T.Q.G. Express Megazord - Super T.Q.G. Megazord - Build Car Megazord - T.Q.G. Build Express Superzord - T.Q.G. Safari Megazord - Hyper Locomotion Megazord - Hyper T.Q.G. Ultrazord
Shadow Express Line
Leaders: Emperor Z - Madame Midnight
Generals: Conductor Zero - Mr. Dark - General Saber - Zeron
Shademons: Grim Shademon - Sword Shademon - Clock Shademon - Oven Shademon
Other: Railraiders - Terminal Titan - Dark Railer
Shadow Steamers (General Saber's Shadow Steamer)
Other Villains
Sledge's crew: Sledge - Fury - Poisandra - Curio - Wrench - Vivix - Vivizords
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