Zorin's life force begin to dwindle after spending such a long time on Earth so he has to retun to Eltar. His absence couldnt have been more ill-timed as Lord Zedd returns and ousts Rita Repulsa, and then destroys the Power Rangers' Dinozords and strips Tommy of his Green Ranger powers. Zordon sends the Rangers on a quest for the lost Thunder Crystals to unlock the ability to morph from Rangers into into Thunder Mode Rangers and awaken the Thunderzords. Mean while Tommy searches for the legendary "Speaking Sword" which he learns to be the Saba Sword and gains the White Tiger Power Coin and White Thunder Crystal, which allows him to become the White Ranger and White Thunder Ranger respectively, as well as awakening the White Tiger Thunderzord. Armed with new Zords and mastering their Thunder Mode Ranger Powers, the Power Rangers now stand between Earth and Lord Zedd's minions. Zorin returned, able to transform from Titanus Ranger into the new Tor Ranger to once again aid his allies.
Animal | Role | Actor | Ranger |
White Tiger | Tommy | Jason David Frank | White Ranger |
Zack | Walter Jones | Black/Green Ranger |
Pterodactyl/Firebird | Kimberly | Amy Jo Johnson | Pink Ranger |
Triceratops/Unicorn | Billy | David Yost | Blue Ranger |
Saber-Toothed Tiger/Griffin | Trini | Thuy Trang | Yellow Ranger |
Tyrannosaurus/Red Dragon | Jason | Austin St. John | Red Ranger |
Zorin | Unknown | Titanus/Tor Ranger |
- Power Morpher
- Power Coins
- Blasters
- Mastodon Axe
- Pterodactyl Bow
- Triceratops Lance
- Saber-Toothed Tiger Daggers
- Tyrannosaurus Sword
- Dragon Power Dagger
- Power Cycles
- Thunder Crystals
- Thunder Lasers
- Thunder Strikers
- Tiger Slinger
- Saba Sword
- Power Cannon
- Thunder Cycles
- Tor Laser
- Power Spinners
- Tor Cycle