Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
NoRanger This article is about a/an series entry (the 1st) in Power Rangers: The Animated Series, a different continuity than the live-action TV series.

The first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Animated Series is the first overall season of Power Rangers: The Animated Series, serving as an adaptation and reboot of the Power Rangers season of the same name. The season follows a group of "teenagers with attitude" recruited by Zordon to fight the awakening Rita Repulsa and her goons.

The series aired on Netflix from January 27 to October 7, 2024.


The thematic genesis for The Animated Series began with a few works of Power Rangers media. First, in 2016 Boom! Studios began its acclaimed line of Power Rangers comics featuring new stories that are told in an updated then contemporary (2010s) setting. Next in March 2017, Lionsgate and Saban Brands released a new Power Rangers film that served as a modern re-imagining of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series. Despite underperforming at the box office, the 2017 film would be followed that same month by a graphic novel sequel, Power Rangers: Aftershock. The 2017 film would also later influence the creation of the later Animated Series by both providing important lessons on what to avoid while also depicting its own take on an updated setting to draw influence from as the latter series would create a balance between the darker, grittier take of the 2017 film and the more child-friendly atmosphere of the original series. Finally, in 2023, Power Rangers: Future Force was released honoring the franchise's 30th anniversary. Future Force would establish the universe of The Animated Series with the creation of a new timeline in which the new series would take place.

Despite taking place in the same continuity established in Future Force, it was decided that for the most part, all-new actors would be casted in the re-imagined iconic roles from the original series. Max Mittleman auditioned and was cast as Jason Lee Scott. Robbie Daymond also auditioned for the role of Jason but didn't make the cut. Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Jason in Power Rangers Super Legends as well as Future Force, instead became Billy Cranston. Erica Lindbeck became Kimberly Ann Hart. A.J. Beckles got the role of Zack Taylor. Finally, Faye Mata was casted as Trini Kwan. The villain voice actors were hired more sporadically. Christina Valenzuela was casted as Rita Repulsa. Richard Epcar, a veteran Power Rangers voice actor who voiced a number of villains in the series, was casted as Goldar.


Long ago, the ancient wizard Zordon battled the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa. After many years he managed to defeat her using five magical power coins. As punishment for her loss, she was sealed in a canister on the Earth's moon. Before being sealed away, Rita attempted to trap Zordon in a time warp. However, due to the interference of the Future Rangers, Rita's attempt to trap Zordon was thwarted, leaving Zordon free of his time warp.

10,031 years later, Rita and her minions have escaped their prison and are out to conquer Earth. Zordon, desperate to stop her, has his assistant Alpha 5 recruit five "teenagers with attitude": Jason, Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy. Granted the powers of prehistoric animals in the form of Power Coins, they become the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.



Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Main article: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (animated series team)
Designation Name Actor
Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott Max Mittleman
Black Ranger Zack Taylor A.J. Beckles
Blue Ranger Billy Cranston Yuri Lowenthal
Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan Faye Mata
Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart Erica Lindbeck

OmniForce Rangers[]

Main article: OmniForce Rangers (7 & 34)
Designation Name Actor
S.P.D. Omega Ranger Sam Brett Stewart
Time Force Pink Jen Scotts Erin Cahill
HyperForce Black Vesper Vasquez Christina Vee
Infinity Ranger Ace InfinityRanger97531

Evil MMPR Rangers[]

Main article: Evil Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (38)
Evil Red Ranger Twin Man
Evil Black Ranger Putty
Evil Blue Ranger Putty
Evil Yellow Ranger Putty
Evil Pink Ranger Putty

Mutant Rangers[]

Main article: Mutant Rangers (47)
Red Mutant Ranger Commander Crayfish
Black Mutant Ranger Black Mutant Ranger
Blue Mutant Ranger Blue Mutant Ranger
Yellow Mutant Ranger Yellow Mutant Ranger
Pink Mutant Ranger Pink Mutant Ranger
Green Mutant Ranger Green Mutant Ranger
Gray Mutant Ranger Gray Mutant Ranger


Command Center[]

Main article: Command Center

Morphin Masters[]

Main article: Morphin Masters
  • Master Red (7, 28, 42)
  • Master Pink (7, 29, 42)
  • Master Green (7, 30, 42)
  • Master Blue (7 & 42)
  • Master Black (7 & 42)
  • Master Gold (7 & 42)
  • Zayto (7, 31, 42)

Order of Archmages[]

Main article: Order of Archmages

  • Guaragon the Green (7-14, 21-24, 28-35, 42-48)
  • Zalamon the Violet/White (48)
  • Yagadriel the Orange (48)
  • Rhadaman the Blue (48)


Main article: Grandmasters (21)
  • Grandmaster Red
  • Grandmaster Pink
  • Grandmaster Green


  • Quagmire (22)
  • Alpha 1 (32-48)
  • Andros (32-37)
  • Father Time (35)


Angel Grove Youth Center[]

Main article: Angel Grove Youth Center
  • Ernie (1-2, 4-9, 12-17, 19-23, 25-27, 29, 31, 33-41, 43, 45-46, 48)

Angel Grove High School[]

Main article: Angel Grove High School
  • Mr. Caplan (3, 6, 26, 31-32, 34, 38, 46)
  • Marge (12)
  • Ms. Appleby (29, 31, 36, 38-39, 43-44, 47)


  • Farkas Bulkmeier (1-48)
  • Eugene Skullovitch (1-48)
  • Leslie Crashwell (1-48)
  • Sylvia (10 & 31)
  • Angela (13, 20, 27, 31, 34, 41, 48)
  • Steve (13 & 31)
  • Jeremy (23)
  • Mayor Carrington (31)
  • Mrs. Hart (38)
  • Kelly (45)




Multi-Use Devices[]

Communication Devices[]


Individual Weapons and Team Blaster[]



Legend:ā—† piloted zord; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors

Dinozord System[]


Main article: MMPRTAS1 Episodes

  1. It's Morphin Time!
  2. Height Fright
  3. Teamwork
  4. King Sphinx
  5. Beat of a Different Drum
  6. Food Fight
  7. The Archmages
  8. Eye Guy
  9. Happy Birthday, Zack
  10. No More Clowning Around
  11. Power Rangers Gone Punk
  12. Peace, Love and Woe
  13. Peril in the Sky
  14. The Dark Warrior
  15. Switching Places
  16. Evil Green Ranger
  17. Shellshock
  18. Itsy Bitsy Spider
  19. Spit Flower
  20. Life is a Masquerade
  21. Gung Ho!
  22. Welcome to the Island of Illusion
  23. Mirror of Destruction
  24. Calamity Kimberly
  25. The Karate Commercial
  26. Yolk's On You
  27. The Green Candle
  28. Flock Together
  29. The Cleanup Club
  30. A Bad Reflection on You
  31. Cyclopsis' Doomsday
  32. Power of the Gray Ranger
  33. Something Fishy
  34. The Lion, the Witch and the Blizzard
  35. To Flea or Not to Flee, That's the Question
  36. Reign of the Jellyfish
  37. A Question of Honor
  38. Return of the Green Ranger
  39. Grumble Bee
  40. Two Heads are Better than One!
  41. Peckster's Fowl Play
  42. Trick or Treat
  43. Second Chances
  44. On Fins & Needles
  45. Enter... The Lizzinator
  46. It's Football Season
  47. Mighty Morphin' Mutants
  48. Goodbye Gray Ranger

DVD/Streaming Releases[]

DVD Release[]

  • to be added

Youtube Release[]

  • to be added

Roku Release[]

  • to be added


See Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Animated Series/Notes

See Also[]

External Links[]

to be added


