Melissa is a new member of the Techadroids.
Melissa is a female Avatar serving Pandrax, whom she refers to as "Papa" and is extremely devoted to him. But as she follows her emotions, Klez calls her a perfect imitation of humanity. Melissa was created to take over Klez's duty to cause human suffering after Pandrax was unsatisfied with results, telling him that he should just stick to transporting Megazords and siphoning NRG. Her weapons of choice are her twin machine pistols with dog-headed charms Gog and Magog, reflecting Brian's mother being one of the scientists that Melissa was designed after. She also carries a tablet on her person to create Techatrons with, using Techavirus card "apps" instead of physical cards. Unlike Klez, who is more reserved and cautious in his endeavors, Melissa is a strong female type who delights in fighting strong opponents and actively fights the Beast Vanguard Rangers simply for pleasure rather than for any objective, finding an ideal opponent in Gorilla Spy Ranger while under the influence of his Weakpoint. After Cheetah Spy Ranger destroys Pandrax while the others destroy Pandrax Cell, an angry Melissa flees and resurfaces after learning of Klez's plans for Pandrax. Though she detests Klez's actions, Melissa is forced to work under him when he threatens to delete her. Later on, when the Beast Vanguard Rangers unlock their Spy Armor, she becomes really eager to fight them, getting her wish when she faces Henry in his powered up form. This results in Gog and Magog being destroyed (though she repairs them later on) and Melissa's data critically damaged while being satisfied with the fight. However, wanting to keep the remaining Pandrax Techatrons alive so Pandrax can be reborn, Melissa risks her very being when upgrading herself with the ability to transform into Malware Melissa. While she can now contend with the Beast Vanguard Rangers Spy Armor, her body suffers from the resulting software bugs. Though she follows him because he possesses a Pandrax Card, Melissa betrays Klez once she obtains Megazord Zeta and learns that he has no intent to recreate Pandrax as he originally was. Using Megazord Zeta to crush Klez, Melissa resolves to recreate Pandrax as she remembers, only to be absorbed by her creator once she had outlived her use to him. Once Klez has integrated Pandrax Card 07 into himself, he is able to create Organic Techatrons, and uses that ability to recreate Melissa and assimilated organic life into her data composition. As a result, making her a loyal servant, the recreated Melissa can transform into the hybridized Malware Melissa (Organic Trojan Form). But the first three versions of Melissa, each able to become Malware Melissa (Flower Trojan Form), are only incomplete copies of the original with limited intelligence and comprehension as they are created from back-up data of Melissa predating her time of creation. However, due to the love data from Tiaratron, Klez became obsessed with recreating a perfect copy of Melissa. This resulted in the creation of a Melissa from a snake who is extremely mentally unstable due to her composition being corrupted beyond Klez's ability to repair. Left to her devices, wanting to be like her creator, Melissa assimilated various animals to assume her Malware Melissa (Animal Trojan Form). Fighting the Beast Vanguard Rangers, Melissa assimilates the surrounding matter to become Melissa Zeta before being fatally wounded in her Megazord body. Reverted to her original form, Melissa dissolves with Gorilla Spy Ranger giving her peace of mind that she made her papa proud. During Mighty Dino Spy, Melissa is resurrected as part of the Techadroids' one-time restoration program activated by Lokagog' presence. She aids Neo-Goldar and Neo-Zeltrax in their scheme to evolve their master before being destroyed permanently by Gold Dino Charge Ranger.
As an Avatar, Melissa is able to cheat death as she simply reforms whenever she is destroyed as long as the source of her manifestation is left intact. The nature of this ability is yet to be understood.
Costume changes As with Klez, being an Avatar made of data, Melissa has the ability to change her form instantaneously, assuming different outfits while retaining her human form. Unlike Klez, who has frequently done this, Melissa has only costume changed on a few occasions.
- Black wedding dress.
- Girls' black Santa Claus outfit (with Klez).
- Battle gear. Since the Beast Vanguard Rangers' final battle with Pandrax, Melissa donned battle gear in her more serious fights.
Melissa's monster form, the result of her risky self-upgrade to protect the remaining Pandrax Techatrons.
A form of Melissa spliced with flowers. Three versions were created, but flawed due to Melissa's back up data.
An altered form of Melissa's Flower Trojan Form spliced with a snake, this version of Melissa was created by Klez in an attempt to restore her initial mindset. However, with her data corrupted beyond Klez's ability to repair, Melissa is mentally unstable to the point of attacking even her creator and is left to her devices. Having the assimilative abilities of Pandrax, Melissa consumed a crow, a dog, and a cat among various animals before fighting the Beast Vanguard Rangers.
The result of Malware Melissa Animal Trojan Form assimilating matter to transform into a giant similar to MegaZord Zeta with the elements of the assimilated fauna and flora in her form's design.
Ranger Key[]
The Malware Melissa is a Ranger Key released as part of a toyline set of Ranger Keys. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Legendary Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. one of the Super Mega Rangers, into Malware Melissa.
- Melissa is named after the Melissa virus
See also[]
- Escape - her counterpart in Go-Busters