Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki


For the Super Sentai team with a similar name, see Megarangers

"Earth's defenders, Never surrender! Go go Megaforce!"
ā€•Mega Rangers announcing their arrival[src]

"Mega Rangers, that's a Mega Win!"
ā€•Victory catchphrase[src]

The Mega Rangers, or the Megaforce Rangers make up the Power Rangers Megaforce. They are five teenagers with attitude that Gosei recruits to battle the Warstar, a group of Insectoids with the goal of wiping out planet Earth's resisting force.


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"Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan, to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!"
ā€•The narrator[src]

Earth has been threatened by evil aliens from outer space.

A supernatural being and his robotic ally carefully chooses five teenagers attending Harwood County High School to fight these monsters as the Mega Rangers.

Admiral Malkor has sent down Yuffo to study the human species. Being able to defeat Yuffo, Vrak unleashes his Zombats and makes Yuffo grow. Unable to come up with a solution, Gosei presents the rangers with Mechazords. The rangers use them, along with their combined form, the Gosei Great Megazord to defeat Yuffo.

Noah has trouble using Jake's heavy Snake Axe and begins to doubt his abilities. But realizing he has to believe in himself, Gosei rewards Noah with the Sea Brothers Zords, and with that unlocking a new megazord combination, the Sea Gosei Great Megazord, which defeats Virox.

A man named Jordan has been telling his friends he was the Red Ranger, but the "real" rangers are distracted by this when Dragonflay attacks. Later, the rangers are able to convince him to tell the truth, which he did. Gosei rewards the rangers with the Land Brothers Zords, and with that unlocking a new megazord combination, the Land Gosei Great Megazord, which defeats Dragonflay.

Beezara turns Gia and Emma against each other, while she makes the male rangers her slaves. 

Overcoming her control, the rangers gain the Sky Brothers Zords, and with that unlocking a new megazord combination, the Sky Gosei Great Megazord, which defeats Beezara.

Troy is bullied by two other schoolmates, but calmly tells them to back off. He later dealt with a bigger bully, Creepox, and is able to defeat him. Creepox enlarges. Gosei gives the rangers the Ultra Change Zord, enabling the rangers a new megazord combination, the Ultra Gosei Great Megazord.

The Toxic Mutants have arrived on Earth and have joined forces with Vrak. They send out their first monster, Hisser to fight the rangers. Realizing that the rangers may not be strong enough, Gosei unleashes his creation, Robo Knight, a robot with the feriousity of the Lion he created centuries ago and had kept dormant since then until it was ready to fight at the time of need. But since he was kept dormant for so long, he has suffered from memory loss and the rangers must win his trust and gain back his friendship. Robo Knight easily scares off Bluefur and Bigs and defeats Hisser. Admiral Malkor catches wind of this new warrior and sents Vrak to kidnap him. Vrak uses Psychotick to do the job. But the rangers arrive to help and free him. Watching the rangers' defeat Psychotick, Robo Knight learns the truth of courage, and he uses his new Knight Brothers Zords and combines them with him as the Lion Mechazord and forms the Gosei Grand Megazord, which defeats Psychotick.

A monster with the ability to steal people's shadows attack a park. Robo Knight is the first to be on scene. While battling Shadow Serpent, the rangers arrive, but Robo Knight though they were a distraction and discourages them. Later, Troy visits Robo Knight and tries to create a plan with him. Troy leaves giving Robo Knight a chance to think about it. The rangers and Robo Knight battle Shadow Serpent on the field. Up until Robo Knight is down, he learns about the truth of teamwork, and the rangers prove it to him. Robo Knight defeats Shadow Serpent, resulting him in enlarging. Robo Knight and the rangers form the Gosei Grand and Gosei Great Megazord, but are defeated. However they didn't give up, and Gosei rewarded them with a new megazord combination. By combining the Gosei Great Megazord and the Gosei Grand Megazord, come forth, Gosei Great Grand Megazord!! In this combination, Robo Knight is on the wall of the ranger's cockpit. The team defeats Shadow Serpent using the Victory Charge, Dual Strike.

Vrak has started searching for a mythical power hidden deep underground, called the Wild Sword. Gosei sends the Mega Rangers to go after it. Vrak manages to get the sword first and forcibly tames it, and sends out a monster named Distractor to "distract" the rangers. After a lengthy battle, the rangers earn the trust of the Wild Sword, and gain access to their new Ultra Mode, which they use to defeat Distractor along with his decoys.

Bluefur and Bigs receive the Aurora Box from Vrak, which he mentions it is a powerful weapon of his royal family. They both use it to power-up Bigs and he takes over a building. The rangers arrive and enter the building, not knowing they entered a nightmare. But with their spirit and courage, they break free of Bigs' curse. Gosei then reveals the Gosei Ultimate Command Ship (which is the Command Center itself), and the rangers use it along with its Megazord Mode to take down Bigs.

The Mega Rangers fight their first robotic opponent, Metal Alice, who was secretly created by Vrak in his underground lab. Metal Alice tries to win over Robo Knight by convincing him things that aren't exactly true.

Metal Alice has derailed a passenger train, and set charges all over the train pillars. The Mega Rangers race against time to stop her and save the people on the train. Their heroic actions earned them the Gosei Jet, and along with its Megazord Mode, they defeat Metal Alice. But she is later restored in her capsule, with Vrak overseeing the process.

Admiral Malkor has risen from his cocoon and goes down to Earth to fight the Mega Rangers. However he underestimates them and is defeated, along with the destruction of the Warstar Spaceship. And Vrak is gravely injured, but he is found by Metal Alice and is taken to the lab. Metal Alice begins to work on Vrak, turning him into something anyone can fear.

The Rangers celebrate for defeating the Warstar and recall their past adventures. But they know Metal Alice is still alive. Emma explains with Vrak dead, she has no purpose. Gosei then detects a disturbance

The Rangers are surprised to see Vrak, brandishing a miniature Robo Knight Lion Zord before retreating. At the underwater base, Vrak has Robo Knight chained up as he uses his powers to turn him evil. He then summons his minions, Tresnag and Drill Horn, and gives them a special mission while introducing them to his latest achievement: Dark Robo Knight. Meanwhile, Tensou warns the Rangers to meet Vrak at the pier. Vrak meets them there and summons his minions while taunting the Rangers about Orion, prompting Noah to call him a monster. However, this insult does not offend Vrak, as he is not Dark Robo Knight, much to the Rangers' shock. The brainwashed Robo Knight easily overpowers the Rangers before Vrak stops him and forces them to retreat. Troy decides to take matters into his own hands and use Ultra mode.

Back at the underwater base, Vrak tells Tresnag to carry out his plan, which is why he told Robo Knight to spare the Rangers. The Rangers encounter Vrak and Robo Knight on the same beach where they fought Vrak as a cyborg a year earlier. Vrak summons Tresnag, who immediately overpowers the Rangers. Noah fights Vrak and Robo Knight while the others deal with Tresnag. Noah escapes Robo Knight's wrath and finds himself facing Vrak. Vrak laughs Noah with orbs of power that have been created and tries to excite Noah with the technology to destroy a planet, but all Noah wants to see is Vrak destroyed. The other Rangers defeat Tresnag while Noah attacks Vrak, who retreats with Robo Knight, but not before summoning his Zombats to enlarge Tresnag. The Rangers use the Gosei Great Megazord and the Sea Brothers to destroy Tresnag. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Vrak wants, when a giant white drill appears in the sea. Vrak thanks the Rangers for playing their part perfectly, as the power used to destroy Tresnag turned him into a drill. Vrak promises that once the final drill is in place, its drills will demolish the Earth's core and cause the Earth to crumble into dust.

Vrak summons Drill Horn to fulfill his plan, while Robo Knight wants to destroy the Rangers himself. Meanwhile, the Rangers approach the land drill. Gia tries to destroy the drill using her "Rock Rush" card, but her attempt fails. Vrak and Robo Knight then appear and challenge the Rangers. Troy tells Emma to take out the drills using the command ship. Noah and Jake try to attack Robo Knight but Troy stops them, stating that they can still save Robo Knight without destroying him. Vrak taunts the Rangers stating that Robo Knight has no weakness for emotions due to being a machine. Emma tries to take out the land drill with the Command Ship, but her attempt fails miserably. Robo Knight fights the Rangers as Vrak laughs at them. Robo Knight blasts the Rangers off a hill using his Vulcan Cannon, and gets Vrak's permission to finish them off. Troy attempts to take on Robo Knight alone.

As the other Rangers try to follow him, Vrak summons Drill Horn to keep them busy. While Troy fights Robo Knight in a nearby hangar, Vrak uses his Zombats to enlarge Drill Horn, causing several damages to the city and even destroying 2 buildings. The Rangers fight Drill Horn using the Gosei Ultimate Megazord while Troy fights Robo Knight. Robo Knight punches Troy again and again until Troy finds himself demorphed on the ground. The other Rangers use the Ultimate Strike attack to destroy Drill Horn. Vrak is happy about this, saying he is close to realizing his plan. Troy fights Robo Knight as the other Rangers arrive. Troy uses his inner energy aura to drive the evil out of Robo Knight, making him good again. Robo Knight thanks Troy but is badly damaged. Noah gets the idea to ask Gosei to fix it. However, as Noah is about to call Tensou, another exercise appears. Vrak thanks the Rangers, stating that Robo Knight was just a distraction. Robo Knight runs away. Gosei tells the Rangers to bring Robo Knight, but he has disappeared.

Later, Metal Alice reveals, Cyborg Vrak. At this point, Vrak has none of his memories, and only knows that the rangers are his enemies. The rangers are overwhelmed.

A mysterious entity has appeared. He seems to be an ally to the Warstar and assists Metal Alice and Vrak in defeating the Mega Rangers. But it seems he has an entire fleet waiting out in space to invade Earth.

The Rangers are surprised to see Vrak, given that he is dressed in a new form. The Rangers transform and immediately attack Vrak, who reflects all of their attacks and releases his true form. He explains that he is now virtually invincible and can still unleash his Warstar, Earth, and Cyborg forms. The Rangers attempt the Megaforce Blaster, but Vrak deflects it. Vrak easily overpowers the Rangers, but decides not to destroy them now. Then, the Mega Rangers face The Messenger, Vrak (memories returned at this point), and Metal Alice launch an attack at the Rangers. Their courageous spirits along with Robo Knight's Robo Blaster helps them defeat both the Messenger and Metal Alice.

After the destruction of them, Vrak became angry and decided to fight the Rangers himself. He taunts the Rangers that it is too late, declaring that the world will demolish itself. The Rangers use Ultra Mode to perform the Dynamic Strike finishing move, but Vrak neutralizes the blast with one hand, stating that his power is better than Gosei's. He then blasts the Rangers and knocks them out of Ultra Mode, declaring that Earth has a 0% chance of surviving. The Rangers charge towards Vrak just as the solar eclipse begins. The Rangers use the Megaforce Blaster while Vrak unleashes his dark powers. The Ranger attack wins, but Vrak survives.

Troy fights Vrak while the other Rangers state that they will never give up, but Vrak mocks them, saying that the only way to stop the exercises is to defeat him, and according to Vrak, they are powerless. Hearing this, Troy then comes up with the idea of ā€‹ā€‹combining his powers with the other Rangers in order to perform his Sky Strike attack, and Gosei explains to Troy that combining his attack with the power of the Eclipse will increase his attack power to its maximum level. Avenging both Earth and Robo Knight, Troy performs the Infinite Sky Strike finisher, which finally kills Vrak once and for all. The latter shouted to the sky ā€œStart the invasion!ā€. Troy is relieved to see Vrak dead. The Rangers find Robot Knight washed up on the beach and call Gosei, who immediately orders them to transform back.

The group celebrates their victory, only to spot one final threat: The leader of the invasion, Prince Vekar, sends millions of X Borgs and Bruisers to attack the Harwood County. They hide for cover while under fire from the Armada ships. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the six Rangers are determined to fight, they summoned the Gosei Great Megazord but unfortunately, the Megazord was heavily damaged. The Mega Rangers find themselves surrounded by X Borgs and Bruisers. S.P.D. Shadow Ranger and S.P.D. Kat Ranger saves the Mega Rangers. Shadow Ranger tell the Rangers to join the other Power Rangers teams in order to defeat the invaders and then receive one final surprise: the Legendary Rangers all appear to aid them in this final confrontation. The Megaforce Rangers gladly welcome their new allies. The two legends along with Magna Defender, Red Samurai Ranger, Wolf Warrior, White Mystic Ranger, Sentinel Knight, Blue Senturion, Jarrod and Camille seem to pave the way for the heroes. The 19 Power Rangers groups converge for one last battle and overthrow entire squadrons of X Borgs and Bruisers, but are overwhelmed by the Armada battleships. Mighty Morphin Green Ranger orders all groups to combine their powers with the aim of forming Megazords for all teams and thus defeating the largest fleet of the Armada.

After a fierce struggle, all the robots are defeated and the veteran Rangers, led by Tommy, bid farewell to the Megaforce, assuring them that the older Rangers will always be with them. With that, the Legendary Rangers disperse and the Megaforce Rangers decide to celebrate their victory, with Gia giving Jake a kiss on the cheek.

Ninja Steel[]

Dimensions in Danger[]

Gia returned after being kidnapped by Lord Draven along with Katherine HillardT.J. JohnsonTrent Fernandez-MercerAntonio Garcia, and Rocky DeSantos and sent to his dimension. Lord Dravon used them to make robotic clones of each Ranger. They were soon rescued by Wesley CollinsGemma, Koda, Tommy Oliver and the Ninja Steel Rangers. Gia joins the final fight with the Ninja Steel Rangers and the veteran Rangers using her Gosei Morpher and Blaster. After the battle Gia returns back to her dimension with the rest of the Rangers. 


The five core rangers are teenagers hailing from the city of Harwood County. They are recruited by Gosei to fight the incoming Warstar and its higher division, the Armada. Along their journey they meet a robot known as Robo Knight.

Megaforce Red Troy Burrows
Megaforce Pink Emma Goodall
Megaforce Black Jake Holling
Megaforce Yellow Gia Moran
Megaforce Blue Noah Carver
Robo Knight Robo Knight

Mega Rangers[]


Main Article: Arsenal (Megaforce)

Transformation Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]


Team Blaster and Individual Weapons[]


Main Article: Zords (Megaforce)

Legend:ā—† piloted zord, ā– aux zord, ā—‡ combo-assist zord, āœ¶ team-piloted mecha; colors are in reference to Rangers who piloted them and not the physical color of the zords

Additional Formations[]

  • Sea Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–
  • Land Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–
  • Sky Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–

Alternate Formations[]

Legend:ā—† piloted zord, ā– aux zord, ā—‡ combo-assist zord, āœ¶ team-piloted mecha; colors are in reference to Rangers who piloted them and not the physical color of the zords

Additional Formations[]

  • Sea Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–
  • Land Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–
  • Sky Megazord ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–ā–ā–

Alternate Formations[]

Behind the Scenes[]



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Legendary Ranger Devices[]


Gokai Change-Goseiger

Space Pirates Rangers as Mega Rangers

Space Pirates/Megaforce Legendary Ranger Modes

Megaforce Red Ewan Hoyle
Megaforce Blue Zion Price
Megaforce Yellow Julia Hoyle
Megaforce Black Jack Borghton
Megaforce Pink Clare Hoyle
Robo Knight Orion


  • Although the Rangers are given official last names, they are never heard or seen in-show.


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See Also[]
