Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Zord World.

Meeting Might is the second episode of Power Rangers Zord World. It features the first time Might morphs into Mighty Zord Red Ranger, as well as the Beast Block and Ninja Steel Zord Gears.


Damond is tasked by Artling to search for more member to complete the Zord World Rangers team.


to be added


Guest Characters[]

  • Coggres
  • Jaze
  • Rini

Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Zord Gears[]

Elements/Homages to Power Rangers/Super Sentai[]

  • When Artling explains about the Beast Block Rangers during his Ranger Academy, footages from Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger is shown.
  • Before unleashing his Ninja Steel based attack, Might says Brody's catchphrase "Whoa! Epic!".


  • Artling's Ranger Academy:
    • Rangers team: Beast Block Rangers
      • It is one of the powers that laying dormant in the Morphin Grid.
      • Their power is based on the animals that rule their own habitats.
      • They have a power-up called Super Beast Mode.
      • They are called "Beast Block" because their Zords can transform from/into Block Mode.
  • Mighty-Rex Worldzord propelling himself with fire breath is a reference to Godzilla doing a similar technique in Godzilla vs. Hedorah.

See Also[]
