Medals are somekind of different weapon in Power Rangers: Medal Shots.
List of the Medals[]
First Major Medals sets[]
- Taki - Samuel's primary medal and partner. His nickname Falcon because the fire with wings. He and Samuel merges into the Red Ranger. Along with Cheetah and Salamander, he was a starter medal.
- Konga - Samuel's second medal and partner. His nickname Gorilla because he loves throwing bananas. He and Samuel merged into the Red Gorilla Ranger.
- Tiga - Samuel's third medal and partner. Her nickname Tiger because she has yellow fur. She and Samuel merge into the Red Tiger Ranger
- Kabuto - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname Beet because he loves snacks that before a tree. He and Samuel can merge into Red Beet Ranger.
- Stag - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname J Beet because he similar appearance and well, that kinda. He and Samuel merge into Red J Ranger.
- Guron - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname Ape because he similar appearance and well, that red ape. He and Samuel merges into Red Ape Ranger.
- Sein - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. Her nickname was Newt because she loves swimming. She and Samuel can merged into Red Newt Ranger.
Second Major Medals sets[]
- Sabertooth - Samuel's primary and partner. His nickname Cheetah because he fastest runner. He and Samuel merges into the Yellow Ranger. Along with Falcon and Salamander, he was a starter medal.
- Smoke - Samuel second medal and partner. His nickname Snake because he finds his home. He and Samuel combines into Red Snake Ranger.
- Sai - Samuel's third medal and partner. His nickname Rhino because he ramming the tree. He and Samuel combines into Red Rhino Ranger.
- Racky - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname Raccoon because he very sneaky, but helping out. He and Samuel combo into Red Raccoon Ranger.
- Xiong - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname was Panda because he is chinese bear, but speak very much (such as OK, Righty Samuel and Gotcha). He and Samuel merges into Red Panda Ranger.
- Hare - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. Her nickname is Rabbit because she finds carrots and eats. She and Samuel combining into Red Rabbit Ranger.
Third Major Medals sets[]
- Muddy - Samuel's primary medal and partner. Her nickname Salamander because she sight the blank medal. She and Samuel combines into Blue Ranger. Along with Falcon and Cheetah, she was a starter medal.
- Chimp - Samuel's second medal and partner. His nickname Monkey because he climb the tree when seen. He and Samuel merge into Red Monkey Ranger.
- Shepherd - Samuel's third medal and partner. His nickname Goat because he lives on the mountain. He and Samuel merging into Red Goat Ranger.
- Feather - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. Her nickname was Peacock because she has a beatiful colored feathers. She and Samuel merged into Red Peacock Ranger.
- Vampire - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname Bat because the flying searching bat looking for his Falcon. He and Samuel merge into Red Bat Ranger.
- Wani - Samuel's next auxiliary medal and partner. His nickname Croc because he carries the medals for looking Samuel. He and Samuel merging into Red Croc Ranger.
Extinct Major Medals sets[]
- Zombie/Dino - Samuel's primary medal and partner. It's nickname Tyrannosaur after Samuel breaks the EX-Virus' evil spell. With Tricerasaur and Pterasaur, they combines with Samuel into Dinosaur Ranger. As Samuel affects, the deadly virus medal merges with him into an insane Ghost Ranger.
- Spirit/Sau - Samuel's primary medal and partner. It's nickname Tricerasaur after Samuel breaks the EX-Virus' evil spell. With Tyrannosaur and Pterosaur, they combines with Samuel into Dinosaur Ranger. As Samuel affects, the deadly virus medal merges with him into a insane Ghost Ranger.
- Shadow/Rus - Samuel's primary medal and partner. It's nickname Pterosaur after Samuel breaks the EX-Virus' evil spell. With Tyrannosaur and Tricerasaur, they combines with Samuel into Dinosaur Ranger. As Samuel affects, the deadly virus medal merges with him into a insane Ghost Ranger.
Switch Combo[]
Taki Form[]
- TaBerUddy (Starter Form)
- TaKonga
- TaTiga
- TaButo
- TaStaMp
- TaWaniOke