Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Roll Call[]

Queen of the Roaring Oceans! Shark Beast Ranger!


  • Tiburon-Younger brother
  • Selaline-mother
  • Sameko-father


Marine is the type who doesnt want to show her weaknesses, she didn’t trust him at first because she thought he was a thief and he was the first human she met but after getting to know him she gains a secret crush on John, she has a frienemy relationship with Ari, her best friend is Tora she's close with Kajan she misses her family and only told John about it. She was scared of Liam when he was under Gen's control but slowly opens to him when he joins the team, prior to meeting John, back on Beastland and prior to coming to Earth she was in a relationship with Jeremy but they broke up and which only the other beastmen knows, just like the others, she was surprised to find out that Jeremy was alive but shocked to find out that he thinks Beastland is a horrible place. She's 19 years old, she can be gullible so Kajan tries to tell her when shes being tricked but she sometimes doesn't believe him. Marine, along with the rest of her team, have enhanced senses, she has special hearing so she personally hates it when Ari roars

Ranger Suit[]

