Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-gobustersThis article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

The Mach Zord is a hawk supercar-themed zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


The Mach Zord, in its vehicle mode, resembles a supercar with cannon on backside. Its Beast Mode is a Hawk. Both its forms sport a black coloration with silver accents. 

Appearances: Beast Morphers TBA


to be added


Vehicle Mode[]

The Mach Zord has a Supercar Mode that is more durable on land. The Beast-X King Zord's bike mode can also have its spear attached into its vehicle mode's mouth to resemble a dual blaster or it can be wielded by the Racer Zord in spear mode or dual blaster mode while piloted by the Orange Ranger himself.

Appearances: Beast Morphers TBA

Hawk Mode[]

The Mach Zord is able to transform into a hawk mode for more land mobility. It has a variety of attacks at its disposal such as the ability to launch fire balls and breathe streams of fire. Like with the vehicle mode, it can also allow the Racer Zord to ride onto its back and use the spear in spear mode or dual blaster mode.

It is finisher with Dual Strike, which blast the enemy units.

Appearances: TBA

Battle Mode[]

"Mach Battlezord, transform!"
―Transformation announcement.

The Mach Battlezord is an alternative form of the Mach Zord. It is formed by typing 'MBZ' on the keyboard. In this mode, it not have a weapons. The Mach Zord Battle Mode's attacks include the Fist Vulcan Cannon, which fire the enemy units. It is finisher with Double Spin Storm (a stream of blue fire from its two tire).

Appearances: Beast Morphers TBA

Additional Formations[]

Beast-X Saver Megazord[]

The Beast-X Saver Megazord is an alternative form of the Beast-X Megazord, but instead of using the Racer Zord it would use the Mach Zord to become the main component of this megazord formation with the Chopper Zord and Wheeler Zord latching onto it. In this mode, the Beast-X Saver Megazord can use the Beast-X Blade and the rotors from the Chopper Zord during battle.

Appearances: Beast Morphers Episodes TBA

Beast-X Saver Ultrazord[]

"Beast-X Saver Ultrazord, combine!"
―Combination announcement.

The Beast-X Saver Ultrazord is an alternative form based off of the Beast-X Ultrazord, where the Chopper, Wheeler, Jet, and Wrecker Zords combine with the Beast-X King Zord instead of the Racer Zord and the most powerful Megazord at the Rangers' disposal.

It is formed by typing 'SUZ' into the keypad. In this mode, the Beast-X Saver Ultrazord did not use the giant lance that was used by the Beast-X Ultrazord during battle.

The Beast-X Saver Ultrazord’s attacks include the Beast-X Saver Kick, kick the enemy units and Beast-X Saver Slash, slashing the enemy units.

Its finisher is the Beast-X Saver Blaster, which fire the ultimate blasts on the enemy units.

Appearances: Beast Morphers S2 Episodes 21


  • This is the first PR-exclusive Zord.