Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an ranger in the Power Rangers franchise.
"Ranger Power... White Robo Ranger!"
ā€•Roll Call
"Danny, you always crack me up!"
ā€•Luke's usual catchphrase whenever Danny acts stupid or does something that makes him laugh

Luke Davis is the White Robo Ranger and the team leader of the Robo Force Power Rangers. He is one of the first two Robo Force Rangers to be awakened, and the ONLY human member of the core 5-person team. As of episode 11, Luke had started developing romantic feelings for his best friend, Danny Adams (They would both eventually get married to each other during the season finale in a ceremony with the other Rangers, Luke's mother and grandmother, Crystal, Shogun and Danny's father as witnesses).

Character History

Meeting the Robonoids and becoming the Robo Force Rangers

View the pages for episodes 1 - 4 to find out about this topic.

A Golden Asshole!

View Rex's page to find out about this topic.

A Growing Relationship and Obtaining the Super Surge Gear

View the pages for Danny and episode 21 to find out about this topic.


Luke is determined to be number one in everything that he sets his mind to. Usually easygoing, when his curiosity is triggered, he becomes hot-headed and excitable. Due to his autism he is also not one for foresight and well thought-out plans, as seen when attempting to bungee jump from the One World Trade Center with unlicensed equipment or when he and Danny tried to reach the Robonoid Empire's Palace by jumping off the other rangers backs. He is a brave and daring man, as he did not hesitate to step in and oppose the evil invaders who were threatening his world, even when he was unarmed, outnumbered and overpowered. When handed the the Robo Ranger Morpher and the Ranger Gears, Luke declared his intention of protecting the world from the Empire. Despite his own eccentricities, he exhibits great friendliness and level-headedness. He welcomed the quirks of his friends with open arms even before they became rangers, and opted to look at the good one does before the bad. During the initial invasion of the Robonoid Empire, he did not discriminate against Morphin due to just being a Robonoid, and put focus on the good he did instead. Having lost his parents for about ten years, Luke longs to figure out where they are. When he gets an idea of what had happened to them he becomes more hot-headed than usual, rushing into combat and ignoring vulnerable civilians. While he reconciles with the need to help others he still prioritizes his parents, attempting to figure out ways to infiltrate the Robonoid Palace, the place they were last rumored to be in. Luke also has an optimistic opinion on fortunetelling, which he considers not as a foolproof instruction, but as a helpful motivator in times of hardship.

Due to his autism whenever Luke gets upset/angry over something he would sometimes start crying and end up having a destructive meltdown which he couldn't control unless someone attempts to calm him down but he'd eventually learn how to control these himself after obtaining the "Super Surge" Ranger Gear along with a bucket of slime that Danny gave to him as a present for Love Day (Although they'd occasionally still happen). Also because of his disability Luke sometimes acts younger than his actual age when something excites him and would sometimes gets confused about how to do something when he does it for the first time. Luke is also very creative with one example, being the time when he used samba carnival feathers to tickle and incapacitate brainwashed civilians so as not to harm them. This trait makes him appear as hilarious to Rex.


White Robo Ranger

Luke uses the Robo Ranger Morpher with the "White Robo Ranger" Ranger Gear (24) to morph into the White Robo Ranger. When using the "Flip Side" of the gear, he grows into a giant and is able to build the Robo Force Megazord with his hands before shrinking back down to pilot it in the cockpit.

"Twenty-Four Bang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba Bang Bang! White Robo Ranger!" - Morph announcement

  • Height: 190 cm
  • Weight: 90 kg
  • Speed: 100 km/h
  • Power: 1500 hp

As with all the Robo Force Rangers, Luke exceeds in gunmanship, though due to lacking a personal weapon he also specializes in freestyle and physical hand-to-hand combat. His sole access to the Ranger Gears adds to his and the other rangers abilities.


  • Robo Ranger Morpher
  • Ranger Gears
  • Robo Ranger Battle Belt



  • Power Rangers Robo Force Episodes 1-19, TBA

Dragonzord Titan

Luke can use the "Super Surge" Ranger Gear in order to equip the Dragonzord Titan Armour onto his suit. In this form, Luke also gains a lance-like weapon which looks similar to the Dragonzord's tail.

"Mechanical Overload! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba Bang Bang! Dragonzord... Titan!" - Morph announcement

  • Height: 210 cm
  • Weight: 410 kg
  • Speed: 120 km/h
  • Power: 20,000,000 hp


  • Robo Ranger Morpher
  • Ranger Gears
  • Robo Ranger Battle Belt



Legend Ranger Devices

Ranger Key

The White Robo Ranger Ranger Key is Luke's personal Ranger Key which was released as part of a set which contains both an updated version of the Legendary Morpher and the keys of all the previous Red Rangers from MMPR to Super Megaforce as well as new keys for Dino Charge, Ninja Steel, Beast Morphers and Dino Fury. It is currently unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one of the Mega Rangers, into the White Robo Ranger.

Behind the Scenes

Luke is portrayed by Caleb McLaughlin who is perhaps best known for his role as Lucas Sinclair in the Netflix original series, Stranger Things. In the Zenkaiger stock footage, his suit actor is Masashi Takada (高ē”° 将åø Takada Masashi).

See Also
