Power Rangers Fanon Wiki



Greise(AKA Dr. Frankie Elias) is the main antagonist for Power Ranger: Guardian Of Harmony.


When he's a young neat freak human boy named Dr. Frankie Elias, he doesn't tolerate of any imperfection by the account of the fact that one of his work, that involving of working on the Cure for Cancers. But when he tries to find out by testing it on himself by injection. But the injection of this serum causes him to transformed into a dinosaur-like hybrid. Driven insane and turning evil, he created the robots called the Trakio drones, in an attempt of searching the cure and harming everyone that he once knew laughed at him for his incomplete works.


Griese is as cold, calculated, and ruthless and always smart when he's thinking on his feet.


  • Psionic Paralyzing
  • Genius Intellects
  • Dino-Human Hybrid Physiology