Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-shinkenger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Samurai Path.

The Lobster Samurai Zord is the Gold Samurai Ranger's main Samurai Zord with the form of a lobster. He created it with the power of his electronic symbol power, though the challenge was to fill it with more powerful symbol power to make it even move starting out until it was finally completed. It can transform into the tertiary megazord called the Samurai Claw Megazord.

The Lobster Samurai Zord can attack opponents with energy discs thrown from its claws called the Pincher Claws, though this is a rare occurrence, as the Samurai Claw Megazord form has many advantages over the lobster mode.


Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes TBA

Samurai Claw Megazord[]

The Samurai Claw Megazord is a samurai giant that is formed from the Lobster Samurai Zord having undergone the "Samurai Battle Mode Transformation", initiated by the Gold Samurai Ranger entering the kanji for "change" (変 Hen) on the Samurai Cell Morpher and typing 1-2-2 to initiate the transformation. After transforming, the Gold Samurai Ranger announces the completion with "Samurai Claw Megazord, ready!". The Samurai Claw Megazord has four modes that are signified by a different face and cardinal direction, each with a different Electronic Symbol Power.

Eastern Mode[]

Samurai Claw Megazord Eastern is the default mode that has the electronic Symbol Power of "light" (光 Hikari) and a red face. After mode changing, the Samurai Cell Morpher announces "To the East!".

It uses the lobster claws on its shoulders as weapons to execute its Samurai Claw Strike attack, where the lobster claws covered up its arms then do a double slash attack.

Western Mode[]

Samurai Claw Megazord Western is the defensive form that has "wind" (é¢Ø Kaze) as its Electronic Symbol Power and a green face. After mode changing, the Samurai Cell Morpher announces "To the West!".

It uses an iron fan, made from the Lobster Samurai Zord's tail, to deflect attacks.

Southern Mode[]

Samurai Claw Megazord Southern has "heat" (ē†±ę°— Nekki) as its Electronic Symbol Power and a blue face. After mode changing, the Samurai Cell Morpher announces "To the South!".

In battle, it uses twin katana, made from the Lobster Samurai Zord's face and antennae, as its weapons to perform the Samurai Claw Slash attack, where the two katanas are covered in energy then do a double slash attack.

Northern Mode[]

Main article: Squid Samurai Zord

Samurai Claw Megazord Northern is the mode that combines with the Squid Samurai Zord, to become the Samurai Claw Megazord Squid Armor, with an angry yellow face. After mode changing and combining, it announces "To the North!" and the Gold Samurai Ranger announces "Samurai Claw Megazord: Squid Armor!".

In battle, it uses the Squid Samurai Zord as a spear. Using the "thrust" (ēŖ tsuku) Electronic Symbol Power, the Samurai Claw Megazord Squid Armor can deliver its Northern Squid Crash finishing attack, where the squid spear is covered in electricity then do a powerful thrust attack.

Daimyo Samurai Megazord[]

The Daimyo Samurai Megazord is the combination of the Samurai Warrior Megazord and Samurai Claw Megazord.

To initiate the transformation, they insert the Daimyo Combination Disk into the Samuraizer and the Samuraizer will announce: "Daimyo Combination Disk!", then the Samurai Path Rangers will yell out: "Daimyo Zords Combine! (Transformation sequence) Daimyo Samurai Megazord, ready!". The Lobster Samurai Zord becomes golden samurai armor for the Samurai Warrior Megazord, replacing the entire upper body, which folds back and allows the Turtle and Ape Samurai Zords to hold the megazord's twin swords. It has an unnamed attack where the Turtle, Lion, and Ape Samurai Zords behind its back fire beams of energy.

It can perform the Daimyo Samurai Strike, where the Lobster Swords are covered in blue energy, then do a multiple double slash attack.

Appearances: Samurai Path Episodes TBA

Other Combinations[]



to be added

See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Samurai Path Icon-samurai-1-
Aiden Shiba - Hayden Yamada - Emma Chapman - Michael Logan - Paige Nakagawa - Caleb Kenjiro - Eva Shiba
Brush Cell Morpher - Samurai Cell Morpher - Praxino Katana - Tanto Sushi Blade - Super Samuraizer - Dino Katana - Samurai Disks - Flame Zanbato - Hydro Arrow - Wind Fan - Wood Spear - Stone Slicer - Ox Bazooka
Zords and Megazords
Samurai Zords
Lion Samurai Zord - Dragon Samurai Zord - Turtle Samurai Zord - Bear Samurai Zord - Ape Samurai Zord - Lobster Samurai Zord - Squid Samurai Zord - Samurai Lantern - Beetle Samurai Zord - Swordfish Samurai Zord - Tiger Samurai Zord - Ox Samurai Zord - Dino Samurai Zord
Samurai Warrior Megazord - Samurai Claw Megazord - Daimyo Samurai Megazord - Sky Samurai Zord - Sky Samurai Megazord - Samurai Ox Megazord - Shogun Samurai Ultrazord - Dino Shogun Samurai Ultrazord
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