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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Lobster Origamizord is the personal Zord of the Gold Samurai Ranger. He refers to it affectionally as 'Clawy.'


The Lobster Origamizord is large gold and dark blue robotic lobster. It has a disk in the middle of its body and two large and powerful claws which it can use to maul or toss opponents. It can create energy disks between its claws to throw.


The Lobster Origamizord was the personal Zord of Yasuke Baruku during the war between the Ozawa and Ashura Clans 200 years ago. When he moved to the USA, he placed it in hiding in his attic. There it remained, deactivated. Yasuke's descendent, Bulk. found it years later while cleaning out his parent's attic. Unaware of his heritage, he thought it was a toy and gave to his young son, Eugene. It became his favourite toy, calling it the Claw Zord.

In 2010, when playing with it with Iris, Mr. Mason revelled the true nature of dormant Zord. Junior set to work trying to reenergize it with his Digital Calligraphy Power.

The Zord was finally brought online when Mark, Adewale, Lisa and Oscar helped by adding their own Calligraphy Power.

Claw Megazord[]

The Lobster Origamizord can transform into the Claw Megazord. The Gold Samurai Ranger can activate it by entering the kanji for "change" into the Sushi Morpher and typing the code 1-2-2 in. It has four modes that can be changed by spinning the wheel beside the control panel.

East Mode[]

The Claw Megazord East Mode is its default mode. It uses the Digital Calligraphy Power of "light" and has a red face.

It uses the lobster claws on its shoulders a weapons. Using them, it can perform the Claw Crush finisher, where the claws do a double slash.

West Mode[]

The Claw Megazord West Mode is its defensive form. It uses the Digital Calligraphy Power of "wind" and has a green face.

It uses an iron fan made from the lobster's tail which it uses to deflect attacks.

South Mode[]

The Claw Megazord South Mode is its offensive form. It uses the Digital Calligraphy Power of "heat" and has a blue face.

It uses twin katana known as the Claw Swords, which are made from the lobster's head and antenna. Its finisher is the Claw Slash, where the swords power up for a powerful double slash.

North Mode[]

The Claw Megazord North Mode is made when the Lobster Origamizord combines with the Squid Origamizord. It gives the Megazord a large arm mounted spear and a yellow face.

Its finisher is the Squid Spear Impact, where it the spear is charged with electricity and impales it's opponent.

Samurai Claw Megazord[]

The Samurai Claw Megazord is the combination of the Claw Megazord and the Samurai Megazord. It's more armoured version of the Samurai Megazord with the lobster forming the head, torso and arms. The Lion, Turtle and Monkey to form a back skirt that can fire energy beams. The Turtle and Monkey can hold the Claw Swords when no in use. Its finisher is the Super Slash, where the swords glow blue and it dues multiple slashes.


Behind the Scenes[]


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  • The Lobster Origamizord is the first Sixth Ranger Megazord of the Legacyverse.

See also[]
