Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Lion Razor Megazord is Jarrod and Camile's personal Megazord as Phua Zhuq Masters.


  • Lion Spirit: Jarrod's Animal Spirit which forms the head, arms, and body of the Megazord
  • White Leopard Zord: forms the Megazord's right Leg
  • Black Puma Zord: forms the Megazords's left Leg
  • Chameleon Spirit: Camille's animal spirit that is used as a weapon


  • This Megazord was apart of the Jungle Fury Microzord line and never appeared in Jungle Fury
    • It was also previously unnamed and was not given a rerelease to coincide with the film
      • Only a special wave of figures for Jarrod, Camille, Maddy (under Shining Spirits, the others Jungle Fury), and Rinshi were released
  • Unlike the toyline, the Megazord maintains a more beast-esque design instead of the hybird seen in the original toy or the zords of the Ranger Operators or Beast Morphers
  • It has no Sentai Counterpart as the original Lion Spirit could only be used as an armor by Jungle Pride Megazord