Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-NovaLions This article is about a/an Megazord in Power Rangers Nova Lions.

The Lion Knight Megazord is the main Megazord in Power Rangers Nova Lions.

Lion Zord Units[]

Zord Unit-01 Black Lion[]

The Zord Unit-01 Black Lion, also known as Black Lion, is the personal lion zord of Lightning Nova Ranger. This lion controls the lightning element.

When forming the Lion Knight Megazord, it forms the head and torso. Its Megazord ability is the left wing.

Zord Unit-02 Red Lion[]

The Zord Unit-02 Red Lion, also known as Red Lion, is the personal lion zord of Fire Nova Ranger. This lion controls the fire element.

When forming the Lion Knight Megazord, it forms the right arm. Its Megazord ability is the right wing.

Zord Unit-03 Blue Lion[]

The Zord Unit-03 Blue Lion, also known as Blue Lion, is the personal lion zord of Water Nova Ranger. This lion controls the water element.

When forming the Lion Knight Megazord, it forms the right leg. Its Megazord ability is the shield.

Zord Unit-04 Green Lion[]

The Zord Unit-04 Green Lion, also known as Green Lion, is the personal lion zord of Forest Nova Ranger. This lion controls the forest element.

When forming the Lion Knight Megazord, it forms the left arm. Its Megazord ability is the dual swords.

Zord Unit-05 Yellow Lion[]

The Zord Unit-05 Yellow Lion, also known as Yellow Lion, is the personal lion zord of Earth Nova Ranger. This lion controls the earth element.

When forming the Lion Knight Megazord, it forms the left leg. Its Megazord ability is the missile launchers.


  • Occasionally, the default wings of Lion Knight Megazord can act as a shield.