LR-167 or Lerigot is a robot sorceror and a close friend of Alpha 5.
Lerigot is a powerful sorcerer that holds a key that is capable of opening intergalactic portals throughout the universe. Lerigot is a robot similar to Alpha, but he wears wizardly robes. He uses this key to channel his magical energies allowing him to heal others, teleport himself, as well as other unknown powers. He, like Alpha, is also a capable martial artist, beating Kimberly in a one-on-one brawl.
Receiving word of Lerigot's existence, Telissa came to Edenoi to capture Lerigot and force him to use his magical powers to guide her Solarcraft through the Genesis Wormhole. To make sure that he did what she wanted, Telissa kidnapped his wife and daughter, Theta 98 and Iotara 100. They were all rescued by the Aero Rangers.
At the beginning of the television series, he was called to the Power Chamber by Zordon and Alpha 5, to free Zordon from the time warp so he could return to Eltar and Alpha can accompany him. Once he did so, Lerigot himself returned to Edenoi. When Alpha returned, he later contacted him on the Megaship one time, but then Lerigot was never heard from Alpha again after that.