Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Gender: Male
Ally Type: Digimon
Season: Bouken Sentai Digiranger
Homeworld: Digital World
First Appearance: Devimon, the Emissary of Darkness!
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode

Leomon (レオモン Reomon) was one of the first good Digimon that the Digirangers met on File Island—but not under better conditions. Devimon had infected Leomon with his Death Claw attack, having Leomon attack the Digirangers against his will. He was briefly freed from Devimon's control by Taichi's Digivice to save Taichi & Agumon by fighting Devimon. However, he was infected with another Death Claw attack & was under Devimon's control once more. He later appeared to attack Mimi & Koushiro when they were in Centalmon's temple, but they drove him off with their Digivices. When ordered to kill Takeru & Patamon, he was infused with an additional seven black gears which increased his size & power & darkened his colour tone, subsequently being able to incapacitate the obstructive Yamato Ishida#DigiBlue, Garurumon, DigiOrange, & Greymon with his Fist of the Beast King attack. He was freed by Yamato & Taichi with their Digivices. When he was freed by the children, he aided them in the final battle with Devimon, but was defeated. When Orgemon decided to get revenge for Devimon's death, Leomon scared him away. He also aided in the building of a raft that the kids needed to get to the Server continent.

While the Digirangers tried to save their world from Vamdemon, the Dark Masters took over the Digital World. Leomon was among those who tried to fight back. After being exposed to the power of the Digirangers' Digivices a few times when he was under the control of Devimon, he had inherited the ability to warp transform to his Ultimate form, SaberLeomon (サーベルレオモン SāberuReomon) (skipping the perfect stage). He rescued Mimi, Palmon, Jou, Gomamon & Orgemon from being found by MetalEtemon & took them to where Digitamamon's diner was. When MetalEtemon attacked, Leomon transformed to SaberLeomon to fight him. He threw himself in front of an attack heading toward Mimi, being mortally injured in the process. Jou & Gomamon both transformed immediately to Zudo DigiGray & Zudomon & attacked with their hammer sparks but could not hurt MetalEtemon since his body was coated with Chrome Digizoid. However, when Zudo DigiGray & Zudomon then threw their hammers at him, it cracked his body because both hammers were also made of Chrome Digizoid. With his remaining strength, SaberLeomon punched his claw into the cracked wound, destroying MetalEtemon, but causing himself to revert to Leomon. As he died, Leomon made his peace with his arch-nemesis, Orgemon, & now waits to be reborn at the Village of Beginnings. A Leomon appeared during the final battle against BelialVamdemon, whether this is the same Leomon reincarnated is not confirmed.

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