Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-gobusters This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Spy Beasts.

The Leo Cycle Zord (codename LC-06) is a Spy Beast Machine piloted by the Spy Beast Red Ranger or Spy Beast Gold Ranger.


Unlike the other Spy Beast Machines that needs a Beastial for more functionality, it was specifically designed to integrate both systems, dubbing it as a Beastial Zord by its creator. It can transform into a variety of forms each with its own function, chief of which is a megazord mode, Leo Spy Battlezord. Its control panel AI Leo Spy Case can also function as a cannon-like weapon and has a faster-response Geonium depletion and Virotron detection capability than the ones that TBA and TBA use, albeit lacking particular location detection capabilities.

LC-06 is also a tactical support unit for the Cheetah Spy Battlezord, either act as a personal vehicle for the Cheetah Battlezord, or as a replacement of Cheetah Battlezord for any combination requires it.

While the Beastials initially feel left out because of him, they realize that he feels lonely after the death of his creator. The team comes to accept LC-06 as a friend and partner.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 26-30, 32-33, 35-38


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Leo Cycle Zord[]


Leo Cycle Zord with Cheetah Spy Battlezord

The Leo Cycle Zord is a three wheeled motorbike-themed Spy Beast Machine that can serve as a quick transport into battle for the Cheetah Spy Battlezord, Spyware Beast Megazord, Beetle Spy Megazord.

Its finisher is the Roaring Leo Burst where the Leon Lancer fires a devastating red double energy blast from the blaster's barrels, instantly obliterating the Virozord on contact.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 27, 29, 35

Spy Lion Zord[]

TSGB-LT-06 Lion with CB-01

Spy Lion Zord with Cheetah Spy Battlezord

The Spy Lion Zord is a lion-themed Animal mode which is able to shoot fireballs from its mouth.

Like its vehicle mode, the Spy Lion Zord can serve as a mount to either the Cheetah or Beetle Spy Battlezord.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 26-30, 32-33, 35-37

Leo Spy Battlezord[]

The Leo Spy Battlezord is the Leo Cycle Zord's Battle mode. It can serve as the core for the other larger combinations. It wields the Leon Lancer in a Spear-like mode, while its Animal mode head becomes the Leon Shield that can fire a supercharged energy beam from the lion's mouth. Its finishing attack is the Leo Spy Crash, twin energy slashes from the Leon Lancer. the Leo Spy Battlezord also provides updates on the other Spy Beast Machines to improve them while in battle.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 27, 32-33, 37


Spyware Leo Megazord[]

When the Leo Cycle Zord takes the Cheetah Racer Zord's place in the center of the formation with the Gorilla Trailer Zord and Rabbit Copter Zord, the resulting three-vehicle formation is called Spyware Leo Megazord. In this form, Leo Spy Battlezord can also use the Spyware Battle Sword and the energy shield from the Rabbit Copter Zord's rotors. Its finishing attack is the Spyware Leo Blast, where a blast of energy is released by the Leon Shield on its chest. The Spyware Leo Megazord can perform its own version of the Spy Beast Slash known as the Spy Leo Slash.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 28, 32-33, 38

Leo Spy Ultrazord[]

When the Leo Cycle Zord takes the Cheetah Racer Zord's place in the center of the formation with the Gorilla Trailer Zord, Rabbit Copter Zord, Beetle Crane Zord, and Stag Jet Zord for the Spy Beast Ultrazord formation, the resulting five-vehicle is called the Leo Spy Ultrazord. It has brute force with the Leo Spy Battlezord's wild style of fighting, making this combination stronger than any other megazord that the Spy Beast Rangers possess. Unlike the Spy Beast Ultrazord, it does not need to combine inside the hangar, since the Leo Cycle Zord can perform it on its own. It is armed with both of the Spy Beast Ultrazord's weapons and twin swords on both arms (formed from the Stag Jet Zord's manibles) to perform the Twin Stag Slash attack. Its finishing attack is the Ultra Leo Break, where the Leo Spy Ultrazord charges Geonium into the Spy Beast Lance and slashes all targets in sight.

Appearances: Spy Beasts Episodes 30, 33, 36



  • Although the Leo Cycle Zord has primarily been piloted by the Spy Beast Red Ranger, it is not attached to a specific Spy Beast Ranger as there is no lion-themed Spy Beast Ranger.


  • Icon-gobusters Power Rangers Spy Beasts
    • Episode 26: Gold Enemy
    • Episode 27: The Lion Roars
    • Episode 28: Beastials on Strike
    • Episode 29: Here Comes the Bride
    • Episode 30: The Cheetah Boxer
    • Episode 32: Turned Silver
    • Episode 33: Viozord Zeta
    • Episode 35: Race Past Your Weakpoint
    • Episode 36: Red Battle
    • Episode 37: Steeled Resolve
    • Episode 38: Final Mission

See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Spy Beasts Icon-gobusters
Felix Graham - Wade Hendrix - Christa Hendrix - Kurt Palmer - Stagg
Spy Beast Morpher - Spy Beast Blaster - Spy Beast Visor - Spy Transporters - Shutter Blaster - Binoc Saber - Steer Saber - Leo Spy Case
Geo Benefactor
GB Staff: Oscar Wilson - Danielle Avery - Brandon Riley
Beastials: Cynox - Grillo - Ryla
Scarlett Graham
Zords and Megazords
Spy Beast Machines
Cheetah Racer Zord - Gorilla Trailer Zord - Rabbit Copter Zord - Beetle Crane Zord - Stag Jet Zord - Leo Cycle Zord
Cheetah Spy Battlezord - Spyware Beast Megazord - Beetle Spy Battlezord - Beetle Spy Megazord - Spy Beasat Ultrazord - Leo Spy Battlezord - Spyware Leo Megazord - Leo Spy Ultrazord
Vaglass Logo Virewall
Vicron - Rorre - Suriva - Virons
Shoveltron - Firetron - Doctortron - Cycletron - Cuttertron - Extingutron - Drillertron - Gunnertron - Fannertron - Projectron - Tubatron - Tubatron II - Vacutron - Satellitron - Forkertron - Drillertron II - Spannertron - Filmertron - Keytron - Magnetron - Erasertron - Cagertron - Satellitron II - Linertron
Vicron Virotrons
Hourtron - Puppetron - Dozertron - Tiaratron - Dometron - Karatetron - Virozotron
Other: Stagtron
Epsilon Virozord - Zeta Virozord - Omega Virozord
Alpha: Firezord - Cyclezord - Drillerzord - Projectorzord - Tubazord - Satellitezord - Drillerzord II - Keyzord - Hourzord - Domezord Alpha - Linerzord
Beta: Shovelzord - Doctorzord - Extinguzord - Fannerzord - Tubazord II - Forkerzord - Filmerzord - Cagerzord - Tiarazord - Domezord Beta - Karatezord - Stagzord
Gamma: Cutterzord - Gunnerzord - Vacuzord - Spannerzord - Magnetzord - Eraserzord - Puppetzord - Domezord Gamma - Satellitezord II
Delta: Dozerzord - Domezord Delta
Mega Virons
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