The Legendary Golden Mosa Zord is the Gold Legendary Ranger's main Zord. A large golden starship with half of the fuselage and much of the wings silver, the Golden Mosa is a Zord that flies through space, looking for any danger to stop. Capable of housing crew members indefinitely if needed, the primary method of boarding and exiting is via a hatch on the bottom of the vessel, and by then occupants and visitors have to hang onto a rope to get through it safely. The ship also appears to have a natural source of oxygen, as anybody inside is able to breath inside it normally even while the craft was in the stratosphere of planet earth, which naturally has less breathable oxygen levels.
Alternate Formations[]
Legendary Golden Cycle Zord[]
The Legendary Golden Cycle Zord is a large motorcycle driven by the Zeo Microbot when enlarged. The vehicle can achieve high speeds and can fire the Zeo Cannon energy shots from the Zeo Microbot's gatling cannon. It forms the wings of the Golden Mosa Zord, and the legs of the Golden Legends Megazord.
Legendary Golden Hover Zord[]
The Golden Hover Zord is a large hovercraft piloted by the Samurai Microbot when enlarged. The craft is capable of highspeed flight and can fire the Samurai Shot lasers from the crocodile jaws. It forms the fuselage of the Golden Mosa Zord and the upper torso and arms of the Golden Legends Megazord.
Legendary Goldzooka[]
The Goldzooka is the Bazooka form of the Golden Mosa Zord, controlled by the Samurai Microbot, Zeo Microbot, and Z-Rex Megazord.