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Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an fanfictional series entry in the Super Sentai series.

Kyūjo Sentai Rescuenger (translated as Relief Sentai Rescuenger) is the sixth Super Sentai season in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai franchise.

The series would later be adapted into Power Rangers Emergency Squad - the series's main motif is rescue and also has elements from the Tomica Hero Series, as well as Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive.

The series was originally going to be detective themed, but the idea was scrapped to be used for a future series and the rescue theme was chosen instead.


After a mysterious alien race invades Earth - a series of natural disasters begin all over the world - causing all sorts of destruction and chaos. However, a special team has been dispatched to put an end to the mysterious invaders and put an end to their scheme. They are the rescue-squad - the Kyūjo Sentai Rescuenger!



Designation Name Occupation
RescueRed Hotaru Tsukiyama Firefighter
RescueNavy Takumi Hachiken Police Officer
RescueOrange Kosuke Nojima Coast Guard
RescueGreen Manami Suzuki Paramedic
RescueBlack Etsuji Yoshida Helicopter Pilot
RescueGold Reo Godai Mountain Rescuer


  • Mayor (Unnamed)
  • Chief Yamamoto
  • Tokyo Fire Department
  • National Police Agency
  • Tokyo Hospital


  • Destructo Empire
    • General Disatro
      • Lieutenant General Landsco
      • Major General Fireyan
      • Colonel Tornaio
  • Grunts
    • Destructomen
    • Disatriomen


Transformation Devices[]

  • RescuePhone
  • Rescue-XBrace


  • RescueBlaster
  • RescueBlade
  • X-Sword


Episodes (Rescuenger)

01. It's Time for Rescue
02. Disaster Strikes
03. Oceanic Rescue
04. Marine Struggle
05. Enter, RescueBlack
06. Blazing Rescue
07. Mountain Heist
08. Guardians of the Forest
09. City Defenders
10. The Meaning of Rescue
11. A Medic's Work is Never Done
12. Desctructo Strikes
13. RescuePhone Troubles
14. Villian Infighting?
15. The General's Appearance
16. The Rescue-XBrace
17. A Stolen Device
18. A Unexpected Transformation
19. The Mountain Rescuer
20. A New Comdrade
21. Strong Currents
22. Trouble-making Duo
23. Underground Heist
24. Orange Flash
25. Helicopter Emergency
26. Forest Rescuers
27. Landsco's Scheme
28. Wild Blazes
29. An Officer's Duty
30. Super Rescue
31. Tornado Winds
32. Mountain Trek
33. Reo's Past
34. Medical Emergency
35. Hypnosis
36. The General's Challenge
37. Lighting Strikes Twice
38. Shaking Earth
39. Emergency Meeting
Finale. Mission Successful


  • Hotaru, is the first female Red Ranger, since Ruriko of Kōzoku Sentai Rokaiger.
  • The villains are named after different types of natural disasters.
  • Originally, there was no Sixth Ranger for Rescuenger planned.
    • The "X" in the name for Reo's transformation device (Rescue-XBrace) is pronounced as "cross" (Rescue-CrossBrace).
    • This is the first season in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai, not to have a collectable gimmick (such as Ranger Keys and Earth Stones).
    • This is also the first season were the team starts with four members, with the fifth being introduce later on.
    • This is the third season to have a unnamed character.

Togo Sentai CrossengerKōzoku Sentai RokaigerJōhō-gijutsu Sentai ApplirangerRyokō Sentai TreasurengerChikatetsu Sentai ShinkansengerKyūjo Sentai RescuengerNorimono Sentai DrivengerGenso Sentai TōkaigerYajū Sentai KemonogerTamashī Sentai YūreigerChōshinsei GamermanMadoushi Sentai Mahōger

Main Series
The Power RangersThe Power Rangers: Lucky AcesPower Rangers World FrontierPower Rangers Electric FightersPower Rangers Solar BrigadePower Rangers Victory VPower Rangers DynaforcePower Rangers B.I.O.Power Rangers Mythical ChargePower Rangers Nova FlashPower Rangers Aura SurgePower Rangers Divided FatesPower Rangers Nitro RacersPower Rangers Sonic BattalionPower Rangers Aero StormPower Rangers Thunder MastersPower Rangers Miracle GuardPower Rangers High TidePower Rangers Dyno BytePower Rangers Rail ThunderPower Rangers Shuriken SteelPower Rangers Lost KingdomPower Rangers OdysseyPower Rangers VersusPower Rangers Knight FuryPower Rangers CrystalizersPower Rangers Zord WarriorsPower Rangers Sunrise HeroesPower Rangers Insectors
Power Rangers Grid Champions
Giga Toku Adaptations
Power Rangers Hyperspace
Original Versions
Power Rangers Secret SquadronPower Rangers Trump CardsPower Rangers Interstellar ForcePower Rangers Jura Knights
