Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Dr. Kurt Stein, the Yellow Lion Ranger, He's a fun loving and irresponsible skateboarder, but does have a brilliant mind, being the brilliant of the five rangers, being the build the Super Beast Ranger Powers. He fathered the brilliant Doctor K, the creator of the rpm ranger powers. He created the turbo falcon zord with his daughter's technology.

Early Life:[]

Super Beast:[]

Leaving The Team:[]

The leaving the team with his girlfriend to traveled across country. And eventually he had his daughter, Dr. K.


Kurt alongside with Lori got called to help the team to create a cross-dimensional device Racer1 Red, Rick Jacobs could go home. Along with Super Beast, Kurt teamed up with the Accel Rangers, specially fellow yellow ranger, Agnes Hathaway. After he returned back to him dimension.


Super Megaforce:[]


Kurt Stein is a outgoing, carefree, and kind young man who doesn't seem like he is a super genius. In but reality he is a super genius making the creator of the ranger powers He is great on a skateboard, pulling off many stunt casually.

He is strong and loyal to his teammates, especially Mason Truman. And despite being treated as less for his personality by Lori, he doesn't let that get in down. He is also shown to be a lady.

He is also known to be big brother-like figure to Marty Barnes and Dr. Derek Kane/Doctor Franken. He could the the potential of psychological brillaint in Marty and understands the Franken's insecurities of being young super genius, does whatever to save him.

He is also a lady's man who getting multiple love interests. Being the father of Dr. K, characters had pointed different his daughter from him.

Yellow Lion Ranger:[]

Live-Yellow v2


Genius-Level Intelligence: Kurt is a brilliant mind despite his carefree nature. This brilliant allows to accepted into to Super Beast Hill Academy. He was also the creator of Super Beast ranger powers. He could created the Turbo Ranger.

  • Skilled Inventor: Kurt is capable inventor advanced machinery. He was able create all the ranger suits, weapons, zords. He was able to skilled enough to create Turbo Falcon Zord by himself with Dr. K technology.
  • Skilled Engineer: He capable to making and repairing zords whether it from his team or another one's.

Skilled Skater: Kurt shown to be skilled on his skateboard. He is able fight while on his board.

Expert Hand-To-Hand Combat: Like many non-combative backgrounded rangers, Kurt wasn't good, he gets better overtime.

Skilled Marksmanship: Kurt skilled shooter with Lion cannon.
