Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
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Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an fanfictional series entry (the "48th") in the Super Sentai series.
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Kouken Sentai Seikenger (後見戦隊セイケンジャー Kōken Sentai Seikenjā?), translated as Guardian Squadron Holy Sword Ranger, is as fanfictional Japanese Tokusatsu-drama and the 1st season created by JJade13. The series premiered on March 3, 2024, joining Kamen Rider GotchcardIcon-crosswiki in the Super Hero TimeIcon-crosswiki line-up after the finale of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger. The series would be joined in the Fall of 2024 after the end of Gotchard by Kamen River GavvIcon-crosswiki.

The show is themed around Greco-Roman mythology and imperial guards. It also features tributes to every past Sentai season through episodes and movies, and is the first season to feature a full time female Sentai Red.

The show is dubbed in South Korea as Power Rangers Guardian Force (파워레인저 가디언 포스 Pawoleinjeo gadieon poseu).


"Since the time of Ancient Greek, the Gods have been defended by its champions, the imperial guards of Olympus! But as a threat older than the gods themselves returns to Japan, the guardians of Greek heaven must descend to protect their planet! (古代ギリシャの時代から、神々はそのチャンピオンであるオリンポスの帝国衛兵によって守られてきました!しかし、神々よりも古い脅威が日本に戻ってくると、ギリシャの天の守護者たちが地球を守るために降臨しなければなりません! Kodaigirisha no jidai kara, kamigami wa sono chanpiondearu orinposu no teikoku eihei ni yotte mamora rete kimashita! Shikashi, kamigami yori mo furui kyōi ga Nihon ni modotte kuru to, Girisha no ten no gādian-tachi ga chikyū o mamoru tame ni kōrin shinakereba narimasen!?)"

2,428 years ago in Ancient Greece, a forgotten evil stirred within the Earth. Since them, a team of five guardians, champions chosen by the Greek gods themselves, have defended Olympus and Planet Earth from their seemingly hopeless fate. Almost 2,500 years later, four modern demigods fill four of the five Seikenger identities following the defeat of the original team, but they are missing the Champion of Hecate, their fabled leader. With new allies, new enemies, and constant revelations, it seems that by will of the Gods, execution shall begin shortly...



Main article: Seikengers


Color Name Actor
Seiken Red Xander of SpartaReika Igarashi Eiji AkasoHikaru Ezaki
Seiken Violet Julius AureliusHyosuke Ishioka Mizuki ItagakiRiku Hagiwara
Seiken Blue Isabella de EmpúriesSayaka Ishioka Shieri OhataYurina Kawaguchi
Seiken Pink Amélie DuboisAiko Ishioka Miku ItoMana Ashida
Seiken Green Fletcher WestbrookKouta Ishioka Fumiya TakahashiFuku Suzuki
Seiken Black Tsukiko Kaneko Karen Otomo
Seiken White Haruto Kaneko Kaisei Kawano
Seiken Yellow Hajime Tanaka Shunsuke Michieda
Seiken Queen Hilda Mashiro


Legends (In order of appearance, including films)

Color Name
MegaRed Kenta Date
Gosei Red Alata
Battle Cossack Makoto Jin
Kiramai Red Juru Atsuta
Kiramai Yellow Tametomo Imizu
MegaPink Miku Imamura
Lupin Red Kairi Yano
Lupin Blue Touma Yoimachi
Lupin Yellow Umika Hayami
Lupin X/Patren X Noël Takao
Patren 1gou Keiichiro Asaka
Patren 2gou Sakuya Hikawa
Patren 3gou Tsukasa Myoujin
GekiYellow Ran Uzaki
Green Sai Jun'ichi Aikawa
GingaRed Ryouma
Black Knight Hyuuga
ChangeMermaid Sayaka Nagisa
Red Buster Hiromu Sakurada
Red Turbo Riki Honoo
Red Racer Kyosuke Jinnai
Go-On Red Sosuke Esumi
Zenkai Magine Magine
Inu Brother Tsubasa Inuzuka
DekaMaster Doggie Kruger
Bouken Red Satoru Akashi
Shishi Red Lucky
Sasori Orange Stinger
Kajiki Yellow Spada
Houou Soldier Tsurugi Ohtori
Yellow4 Jun Yabuki
TyrannoRanger Yamato Tribe Prince Geki
MammothRanger Sharma Tribe Knight Goushi
TriceraRanger Etoffe Tribe Knight Dan
TigerRanger Dime Tribe Knight Boi
PteraRanger Lithia Tribe Princess Mei
Ryusoul Red Koh
Ryusoul Blue Melto
Ryusoul Pink Asuna
Ryusoul Green Towa
Ryusoul Black Bamba
AbaRed Ryouga Hakua
AbareBlue Yukito Sanjyou
AbareYellow Ranru Itsuki
AbareBlack Asuka
AbareKiller Mikoto Nakadai
Kyoryu Red Daigo Kiryu
Kyoryu Black Ian Yorkland
Kyoryu Blue Nobuharu Udo
Kyoryu Green Souji Rippukan
Kyoryu Pink Amy Yuuzuki
Red Hawk Ryu Tendo
Black Condor Gai Yuki
White Swan Kaori Rokumeikan
VulEagle Takayuki Hiba
Shinken Red Takeru Shiba
Shinken Blue Ryuunosuke Ikenami
Shinken Pink Mako Shiraishi
Shinken Green Chiaki Tani
Shinken Yellow Kotoha Hanaori
Shinken Gold Genta Umemori
Princess Shinken Red Kaoru Shiba
FiveRed Gaku Hoshikawa
Heart Queen Karen Mizuki
NinjaRed Sasuke
NinjaWhite Tsuruhime
HurricaneRed Yousuke Shiina
KabutoRaiger Ikkou Kasumi
AkaNinger Takaharu Igasaki
AoNinger Yakumo Katou
GoPink Matsuri Tatsumi
DenziYellow Jun Kiyama
Red Flash Jin
MagiMother Miyuki Ozu
Wolzard Fire Isamu Ozu
Zyuoh Eagle Yamato Kazakiri
Gokai Red Captain Marvelous
Gokai Blue Joe Gibken
Gokai Yellow Luka Millfy
Gokai Green Don Dogoier
Gokai Pink Ahim de Famille
Gokai Silver Gai Ikari
ToQ 6gou Akira Nijino
DynaBlack Ryuu Hoshikawa
DynaPink Rei Tachibana
GoggleRed Ken'ichi Akama
GoggleBlack Kanpei Kuroda
GogglePink Miki Momozono
GaoRed Kakeru Shishi
GaoYellow Gaku Washio
GaoBlue Kai Samezu
GaoBlack Sotaro Ushigome
GaoWhite Sae Taiga
GaoSilver Tsukimaro Ogami
Kuwagata Ohger Gira Husty
Tombo Ohger Yanma Gast
Kamakiri Ohger Hymeno Ran
Papillon Ohger Rita Kaniska
Hachi Ohger Kaguragi Dybowski
Spider Kumonos Jeramie Brasieri
Ohkuwagata Ohger Rcules Husty
Red Mask Takeru
Blue Mask Akira
Pink Mask Momoko
ShishiRanger Daigo of the Heavenly Phantom Star
OhRed Goro Hoshino
TimeRed Tatsuya Asami
Akarenger Tsuyoshi Kaijo





Main article: Arsenal (Seikenger)

Transformation Devices

Multi-Use Devices

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon


Other Devices

  • Olympian Guard Badge
  • Seiken Buckle


Main article: Mecha (Seikenger)

Olympian Guard System

Legend: piloted mecha, 2-person mecha, auxiliary mecha
  • Teikoku Kouken Gattai DaiSeikenKing
    • Kouken Gattai SeikenCycle
      • Kouken Gattai SeikenOh
        • Guard Ookarasu
        • Guard Hagewashi
        • Guard Fukurou
        • Guard Kujaku
        • Guard Tsuru
      • Kouken Gattai CycleKing
        • Guard Shika
        • Guard Ookami
    • Kouken Gattai RoyalEagle
      • Guard Washi
      • Titan Queen


to be added

Additional Formations

to be added

Alternate Formations

to be added


Main article: Kouken Sentai Seikenger Episodes

The episodes in this Sentai season are referred to as Trial (試用 Shiyō?) with the numberings in Japanese, and the titles are written mostly in Kanji and Hiragana, with the titles of tribute episodes typically include some reference to the season it's commemorating.

  1. Trial 1: The Guardians Descend (試用1守護者たちが降臨する Shiyō Ichi: Gādian-tachi ga Kōrin suru?)
  2. Trial 2: Guardian Angel of Olympus (試用2オリンポスの守護天使 Shiyō Ni: Orinposu no Shugo Tenshi?)
  3. Trial 3: Last One Standing (試用3最後に立っている人 Shiyō San: Saigo ni Tatte iru hito?)
  4. Trial 4: Revenge is a Mania (試用4復讐はマニアだ Shiyō Yon: Fukushū wa Maniada?)
  5. Trial 5: As the Leader (試用5リーダーとして Shiyō Go: Rīdā to Shite?)
  6. Trial 6: When Logic Fails (試用6ロジックが失敗したとき Shiyō Roku: Rojikku ga Shippai Shita Toki?)
  7. Trial 7: Good Cop, Bad Cop (試用7良い警官、悪い警官 Shiyō Nana: Yoi Keikan, Warui Keikan?)
  8. Trial 8: Lesson from the Heart (試用8心からの教訓 Shiyō Hachi: Kokorokara no Kyōkun?)
  9. Trial 9: To Trust or Not To Trust (試用9信じようと信じまいと Shiyō Kyū: Shinjiyou to shinjimai to?)
  10. Trial 10: Everything He Left Behind (試用10彼が残したものすべて Shiyō Jū: Kare ga Nokoshita mono Subete?)
  11. Trial 11: Science with the Sayakas (試用11さやかと一緒に科学する Shiyō Jūichi: Sayaka to issho ni Kagakusuru?)
  12. Trial 12: Twins of Delos (試用12デロス島の双子 Shiyō Jūni: De Rosu-jima no Futago?)
  13. Trial 13: Opposites Attract (試用13反対のものは引き合う Shiyō Jūsan: Hantai no mono wa Hikiau?)
  14. Trial 14: Racing On Forever (試用14永遠にレースを続ける Shiyō Jūyon: Eien ni Rēsu o Tsudzukeru?)
  15. Trial 15: Full Force Teamwork! (試用15全力のチームワーク! Shiyō Jūgo: Zenryoku no Chīmuwāku!?)
  16. Trial 16: Gods and Companions (試用16神々と仲間たち Shiyō Jūroku: Kamigami to Nakama-tachi?)
  17. Trial 17: Find the Stone God (試用17石の神を見つけてください Shiyō Jūnana: Ishi no Kami o Mitsukete kudasai?)
  18. Trial 18: Boundless Adventure Stone (試用18無限の冒険の石 Shiyō Jūhachi: Mugen no Bōken no Ishi?)
  19. Trial 19: Golden Secrets (試用19黄金の秘密 Shiyō Jūkyū: Kogane no Himitsu?)
  20. Trial 20: Golden Lucky Friends (試用20ゴールデンラッキーフレンズ Shiyō Nijū: Gōruden Rakkī Furenzu?)
  21. Trial 21: Shining Stars of Olympus (試用21オリンポスの輝く星たち Shiyō Nijūichi: Orinposu no Kagayaku Hoshi-tachi?)
  22. Trial 22: Knights and Guards (試用22騎士と衛兵 Shiyō Nijūni: Kishi to Eihei?)
  23. Trial 23: Guardians of Earth, Going Wild! (試用23大地の守護者たちが大暴れ! Shiyō Nijūsan: Daichi no Gādian-tachi ga dai Abare!?)
  24. Trial 24: Once Upon a Triangle (試用24かつて三角形 Shiyō Nijūyon: Katsute Sankakkei?)
  25. Trial 25: When Plans Work (試用25計画がうまくいくとき Shiyō Nijūgo: Keikaku ga Umaku iku toki?)
  26. Trial 26: Mad Queen (試用26狂った女王 Shiyō Nijūroku: Kurutta Joō?)
  27. Trial 27: People In-Between (試用27その間にいる人たち Shiyō Nijūnana: Sonoaida ni iru Hito-tachi?)
  28. Trial 28: Shadow Guards (試用28シャドウガード Shiyō Nijūhachi: Shadou Gādo?)
  29. Trial 29: The Spirit to Save Others (試用29他者を救う精神 Shiyō Nijūkyū: Tasha o Sukuu Seishin?)
  30. Trial 30: Swap! Swap! Swap! (試用30スワップ!スワップ!スワップ! Shiyō Sanjū: Suwappu! Suwappu! Suwappu!?)
  31. Trial 31: Desperate Measures (試用31苦肉の策 Shiyō Sanjūichi: Kunikunosaku?)
  32. Trial 32: Fifty Storms Before the Calm (試用32静けさの前に50の嵐 Shiyō Sanjūni: Shizukesa no mae ni gojū no Arashi?)
  33. Trial 33: Cause and Effect (試用33原因と結果 Shiyō Sanjūsan: Gen'in to Kekka?)
  34. Trial 34: What Do I Have Without You (試用34あなたなしで私に何があるんですか Shiyō Sanjūyon: Anata nashide watashi ni nani ga aru ndesu ka?)
  35. Trial 35: The Showy Pirates Are Champions (試用35派手な海賊はチャンピオンです Shiyō Sanjūgo: Hadena Kaizoku wa Chanpiondesu?)
  36. Trial 36: What Was I Made For (試用36私は何のために作られたのか Shiyō Sanjūroku: Watashi wa Nani no Tame ni Tsukura reta no ka?)
  37. Trial 37: If We Win (試用37私たちが勝てば Shiyō Sanjūnana: Watashi-tachi ga Kateba?)
  38. Trial 38: Let's Explode the Ballpark! (試用38球場を爆発させよう! Shiyō Sanjūhachi: Kyūjō o Bakuhatsu sa Seyou!?)
  39. Trial 39: The Past is Shining (試用39過去は輝いている Shiyō Sanjūkyū: Kako wa Kagayaite iru?)
  40. Trial 40: The Ones Who Came Before Us (試用40私たちの前に来た人たち Shiyō Yonjū: Watashitachi no mae ni kita Hito-tachi?)
  41. Trial 41: Aura of Hope (試用41希望のオーラ Shiyō Yonjūichi: Kibō no Ōra?)
  42. Trial 42: Spirit of Earth (試用42大地の精霊 Shiyō Yonjūni: Daichi no Seirei?)
  43. Trial 43: Awakening (試用43覚醒 Shiyō Yonjūsan: Kakusei?)
  44. Trial 44: Beginning of the End (試用44終わりの始まり Shiyō Yonjūyon: Owari no Hajimari?)
  45. Trial 45: The Last Day (試用45最終日 Shiyō Yonjūgo: Saishū-bi?)
  46. Trial 46: A Better Future by Will of the Gods (試用46神の意志によるより良い未来 Shiyō Yonjūroku: Kami no Ishi ni yoru yoriyoi Mirai?)
  47. Trial 47: Way Down We Go (試用47ずっと下に行きます Shiyō Yonjūnana: Zutto shita ni Ikimasu?)
  48. Final Trial: We Are the Champions of Olympus (最終試用私たちはオリンパスのチャンピオンです Saishū Shiyō: Watashitachiha Orinpasu no Chanpiondesu?)


  1. Kouken Sentai Seikenger: Trial of the Movie (後見戦隊セイケンジャー映画の試用 Kōken sentai Seikenjā: Eiga no Shiyō?)
    • Tribute to Kouken Sentai Seikenger.
  2. Kouken Sentai Seikenger vs. Shinkenger: The Samurai 15 Years Later! (後見戦隊セイケンジャーVSシンケンジャー15年後のサムライ! Kōken sentai Seikenjā tai Shinkenjā: Jūgo-Nen-go no Samurai!?)
  3. Kouken Sentai Seikenger vs. King-Ohger (後見戦隊セイケンジャーVSキングオージャー Kōken sentai Seikenjā tai Kingu-Ōjā?)


  1. to be announced

Stage Shows

  1. to be announced


Suit Actors


to be added


to be added


  • Add interesting trivia about your series here using the same button from allies and arsenal. It can be random facts or just things you find interesting about your series.