This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Avatar World. |
- "Hero of All Stats! Avatar World Red Ranger!"
- ―Roll Call[src]
- "Game Start!"
- ―Avatar World Red Ranger’s pre-battle catchphrase[src]
Kiritaro is Avatar World Red Ranger, the Red Ranger and leader of the Avatar World Rangers.
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Powers and Abilities[]
- Hypercompetence: As claimed by himself, Kiritaro is excellent at everything.
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Avatar World Red Ranger
In his standard form, Avatar World Red Ranger is an expert swordsman, using the VR Glass Saber with precision accuracy in addition to decent gunmanship with the VR Glass Morpher. Avatar World Red Ranger can also trap enemies in a peach-shaped energy bubble, which he creates by focusing power into the emblem on his helmet's forehead.
- VR Glass Morpher
- Avatar Discs
- Avatar Belt
- VR Glass Saber
- Avatarmax Cycle
- Mighty-Rex Worldzord (usage in Avatar World Megazord)
- Iai Slash: A basic strong sword attack. After spinning the gear of the VR Glass Saber once and pressing the trigger, Avatar World Red Ranger slashes his energy charged sword downward at an angle.
- Avatar Slash: After spinning the gear of the VR Glass Saber four times, Avatar World Red Ranger proceeds to press the trigger of the sword and slash his opponent in a spectrum of colors.
- RGB Slash (shorts for Ranger Gear Battle Slash): A super attack where Avatar World Red Ranger jumps, with the surrounding area turning dark. The four remaining teammates blast the target, while Avatar World Red Ranger activating the VR Glass Saber by spinning its gear five times. He presses the trigger and unleashes a flurry of rainbow colored slashes around the opponent, then rushes the enemy and slashes through them for the final blow.
- Legendary Ranger Slash: When Avatar World Red Ranger scans the VR Glass Saber on the top of a VR Glass Morpher, he can do an attack of any Legendary Red Ranger.
- Avatar Fury Strike: When he scans his sword on a VR Glass Morpher with a Dino Fury disc inserted, he can do a copy of Dino Fury Red Ranger’s T-Rex Fury Strike.
- Avatar World Blast: By pressing the top of the VR Glass Morpher, Avatar World Red Ranger spins the shuriken on the VR Glass Morpher, activating the finishing strike, he can blast a powerful, rainbow-colored shot at an enemy.
Appearances: Zord World Episode 41; Avatar World Episode 1-
Hero of All Stats! Avatar World Red Ranger!
By using the Shogun Microzord Avatar Disc, Avatar World Red Ranger's consciousness separates from his avatar body and transforms into the 15 cm tall Shogun Microzord in a manner similar to an online game's player switching to their alternate account. Once engaged, the Shogun Microzord can change between a humanoid form resembling Avatar World Red Ranger for active combat or an armored form in defensive situations. The Shogun Microzord is also capable of bouncing off of digital constructs and making use of portals and hidden doorways in combat, assisted by its own sword.
Although the Shogun Microzord is effective in combat, its usage has the side effect of leaving Avatar World Red Ranger's avatar body limp and vulnerable to attack, often forcing his teammates to carry it around while keeping it from coming to harm.
The Shogun Microzord can also be used when Avatar World Red Ranger is untransformed, though that usually means that his real body tends to be left limp without his consciousness.
Trainsnip Microzord is the combined form of Shogun Microzord and the Trainforce Microzord.
Appearances: Avatar World Episodes 4-5
Soarwing Microzord is the combined form of Shogun Microzord and the Beast Block Microzord.
Appearances: Avatar World Episode 7
Centaurex Microzord is the combined form of Shogun Microzord and the Dino Fury Microzord.
Appearances: Avatar World Episode TBA
Victory Slash Microzord is the combined form of Shogun Microzord and the Vicious Vigilante Microzord.
Vanguard Shield Microzord is the combined form of Shogun Microzord and the Security Sentinel Microzord.
Avatar World Red Ranger can use the Shogun Avatarzord Gear to transform into his mecha form, Shogun Avatarzord. In this form, Shogun Avatarzord exceeds in wielding the VR Glass Saber, and now equipped with a back jet booster, he can thrust at high speeds into battle. Shogun Avatarzord could also generate slashes to form a dust tornado that can wipe out a group of Abstrikes.
- VR Glass Morpher
- Avatar Discs
- VR Glass Saber
- Zord Iai Slash: Shogun Avatarzord charges up the VR Glass Saber and awaits for the enemy. Once its location is known, he will burst into the air using his booster and finish the enemy with the Iai Slash.
Appearances: Avatar World Episodes 9-
Using the Avatar Discs of Legendary Rangers, Avatar World Red Ranger has access to the powers of any Main Legendary Ranger of his choosing, donning them in a manner like a game character donning a skin.

Super Megaforce Red
- Super Megaforce Red
- Weapons
- Super Mega Saber
- Weapons

Grid Battleforce Red Ranger
- Grid Battleforce Red Ranger
- Transformation Devices
- Beast-X Morpher
- Weapons
- Beast-X Saber
- Transformation Devices

Trainforce Ranger 1 Red
- Trainforce Ranger 1 Red
- Transformation Devices
- Trainforce Morpher
- Weapons
- Trainforce Blade Blaster
- Mini Trainzords
- Red Trainzord
- Transformation Devices

Ninja Steel Red
- Ninja Steel Red
- Weapons
- Ninja Star Blade
- Ninja Star Blade
- Red Ninja Power Star
- Weapons

Star Force Red
- Star Force Red
- Weapons
- Star Force Morpher
- Star Force Orbs
- Leo Star Orb
- Weapons

Red Vigilante Ranger
- Red Vigilante Ranger
- Weapons
- VS Morpher
- Aerialzords
- Red Aerialzord
- Weapons

Security Sentinel Red Ranger
- Security Sentinel Red Ranger
- Weapons
- VS Morpher
- Autozords
- Red Autozord
- Weapons
Behind the Scenes[]
- Avatar World Red Ranger's helmet features an Avatar Disc-like protrusion pointing out the back, mimicking Momotaro's topknot. Like the other Avatar World Rangers, his visor is styled after sunglasses.
- Kiritaro means Slashing Boy (切り太郎 Kiritarou?) in Japanese.
- Kiritaro's name is a reference to both Kirito from Sword Art Online, and Momotaro
- He was the first of the Avatar World Rangers to appear and talk on screen, with his Zord World appearance airing before his reveal.