Khime, also known as "Blacked Beast" is the Chimera Aura Beast, leader of the Aura Beasts, and partner and friend to Thomas Leon, aka Kamen Ranger Lio.
Khime is the current leader of the Aura Beasts.Unfornetly, he was sealed away in the Lion Gate by the Stonekings,and unable to escape, he slumbered within it. Despite Thomas breaking the seal by using the Lion Gate, he is now unable to materialize out of it due too being sealed in it for so long, not without the Mantel Quadro's help.
When the Stonekings rised up against the ancient humans, Khime and the other Aura Beasts sensed this, and fought against them. He took the Mantel Quadro as his students. During the last fight, Khime ended up sealed in the Lion Gate by the Horse Stoneking, and thrown away, though the walking statue ended up with instant karma by the other Aura Beasts creating a prison around the army. Unable to escape, he was forced to wait, and sleep.
Much later, he was awoken when Thomas excavated the Lion Gate. After being shook around(Thomas dodging the Golems attacking him), Khime mind-spoke to Thomas, telling him to put on the belt. Thomas did, and KR Lio was born.
When the Stonekings got out, Khime sensed this, and told Thomas to find the other Aura Beasts, who would find other humans.

Orginal Form

Sealed Form
Khime could never combine into a Megazord, regardless of form.
See also[]
- Kamen Rider Wizard counterpart