Kendra & Baily are 2 twin sisters age 19 and are pretty wealthy and are also trying to Find out who the real Power Rangers are and they are pretty and fabulas and spoild Kendra is a Brunnete & Baily is Bloned they are pretty cluelass and funny Nolan or Nathan Perry & Charlie Smith always trying to sweet talk them on to getting a date with them but normally fails. But Kendra falls for Devin but he doesnt like her they. Kendra always carry a digital Camera with her all the time around her neck. Also have a spoiled brat brother called Tyler. During episode 59, when Kendra can't being trap in city hall with everyone and Nathan Jared. But Nathan & Jared told them to calm down and they fills their heart beating that she's in love with Nathan & Jared. So in episode 60 when Nathan & Jared was about to fight Orbes alone but Kendra want to go with him, so then when Kendra got hurt by Orbes laser from his eye. Then Nathan got his own Defender Card. And Kendra now has fall for Nathan and beging their first Date Kendra is seen in Power Rangers Time Pirates as Spikes partner in crime.
- Kendra an Baily have a lot in common with the Chandler twins.