Kemono Sentai Dobouger (獣戦隊ドボウジャー Kemono Sentai Dobōjā?, translated as Beast Squadron Dobouger) is the 49th installment of the Super Sentai franchise to air on 2025. Just like Liveman, Gaoranger, and Zyuohger, it has an animal motif.
The Kurma Clan, a race of demons, attacked the Earth thousands of years ago. Their power is bonded with negative emotions of human allies. Those two despised animals and vow to get rid of them. Their doomsday weapon is made up of coins. And since the dawn of time, Kurma has been using several of them on dinosaurs, mythical beasts, and even animals. When soldiers of ancient Greece steal the coins and plan to use them against the Kurma during the war, they scattered them across the globe, bonding with Earth's animals, all coins but 14 of them. They give the remaining 14 coins to 14 animals who then gained immortality by its effects. And also, becoming cartoon-like warriors called the Animites! In present day, when the escaped Kurma form an alliance with four escaped criminals, who are going on killing animals, and even certain people they find repugnant, the seven Animites must bond with seven young men and women who will become the Kemono Sentai Dobouger, who are the only ones who have the energy to help the Animites to evolve into the Animongers to the Dobou Animal Herd! And they vow to find all of the Beast Coins before the Kurma do!
Designation | Name |
Akashishi | Shinji Kaenoko |
Akatora | |
Shinwa Aka | |
Aosame | Satoro Umigawa |
Aookami | |
Shinwa Ao | |
Midowani | Wato Kusanagi |
Midozo | |
Shinwa Mido | |
Kichita | Chika Raitouga |
Kihebi | |
Shinwa Ki | |
Momowashi | Winoko Kukiou |
Momousagi | |
Shinwa Momo | |
Kurokumo | Kyle Jiogo |
Kurogorira | |
Shinwa Kuro | |
Shirokuma | Kira Yukino |
Shirokoumori | |
Shinwa Shiro | |
Kotakuryuu | Fukushu |
Kotakuryuu (Gold) | |
Kotakuryuu (Silver) | |
Kotakuryuu (Bronze) | |
Shinwa Kotaku |
Animite | Animonger | Dobou Animal | Partner |
Mane | Fireleo | DobouLion | Akashishi |
Fin | Watershark | DobouShark | Aosame |
Scale | Naturegator | DobouAlligator | Midowani |
Spot | Thundercheetah | DobouCheetah | Kichita |
Wing | Windeagle | DobouEagle | Momowashi |
Web | Eartharach | DobouSpider | Kurokumo |
Polar | Icebear | DobouBear | Shirokuma |
Stripe | Flametiger | DobouTiger | Akatora |
Howl | Seawolf | DobouWolf | Aookami |
Trunk | Grassphant | DobouElephant | Midozo |
Rattle | Elecsnake | DobouSnake | Kihebi |
Hop | Airrabbit | DobouRabbit | Momousagi |
Prime | Georilla | DobouGorilla | Kurogorira |
Vamp | Snowbat | DobouBat | Shirokoumori |
Tooth | Lighttyranno | DobouTyranno | Kotakuryuu |
Horn | Startricera | DobouTricera | Kotakuryuu |
Plate | Holystego | DobouStego | Kotakuryuu |
Beak | Fairyptera | DobouPtera | Kotakuryuu |
Sphinx | n/a | DobouManticore | Shinwa Aka |
Multi | n/a | DobouHydra | Shinwa Ao |
Gill | n/a | DobouRikuchi | Shinwa Mido |
Hypo | n/a | DobouGriffin | Shinwa Ki |
Pixie | n/a | DobouFairy | Shinwa Momo |
God | n/a | DobouTitan | Shinwa Kuro |
Colt | n/a | DobouUnicorn | Shinwa Shiro |
Ryuu | n/a | DobouDragon | Shinwa Kotaku |
Kurma Clan:[]
- Polonium
- Poisonous Nine
- Cyanide
- Anthrax
- Sarin
- Veenom
- Strychnine
- Tetrodo
- Botox
- Brodifa
- Ricin
- Poisonous Nine
- Byoukee
- Osoru
- Human Ally: Dexter Hill
- Ikaro
- Human Ally: Jervis Hillshire
- Yasei Sentai Hoshokuger (Movie-Exclusive Villains)
- Orenjiraiga
- Baioretahanma
- Gurekuroku
- Kuropansa
- Tanfarukon
- Gorudotaran
- Kasshokukuma
- Shoota
- Human Ally: Bertha Manson
- Kanash
- Human Ally: Ray Folger
- The Usotsuki Company
Transformation Devices:[]
- Transformation Device Appimal Phone
- Transformation Device Skullmobile
- Tsumetalon/Tsumegun
- Shinwa Woodwind
Multi-Use Devices:[]
- Beast Coins
Team Weapons/Individual Weapons:[]
- DobouBuster
- Dobou Jaw
- Dobou Dagger
- Dobou Drill
- Dobou Charge
- Dobou Darts
- Dobou Grap
- Dobou Freeze
- DobouRhino (also in Mecha)
- DobouBomber
- Dobou Claw
- Dobou Sword
- Dobou Hammer
- Dobou Whip
- Dobou Shear
- Dobou Puncher
- Dobou Arrow
- DobouGiraffe (also in Mecha)
- DobouTrisaur
- Dobou-Oh
- DobouLion
- DobouShark
- DobouAlligator
- DobouCheetah
- DobouEagle
- DobouSpider
- DobouBear
- Dobou-Wild
- DobouTiger
- DobouWolf
- DobouElephant
- DobouSnake
- DobouRabbit
- DobouGorilla
- DobouBat
- Dobou-Sango
- DobouTyranno
- DobouTricera
- DobouStego
- Dobou-No (Movie-Exclusive Mecha)
- DobouLiger
- DobouHammer
- DobouCrocodile
- DobouPanther
- DobouFalcon
- DobouTarantula
- DobouGrizzly
- Dobou-Mahou
- DobouManticore
- DobouHydra
- DobouRikuchi
- DobouGriffin
- DobouFairy
- DobouTitan
- DobouUnicorn
- DobouDragon
- DobouRhino
- DobouGiraffe
- DobouPtera
- DobouBrachio
Alternate Combinations:[]
- Dobou-Oh Tanker
- Dobou-Oh Venom
- Dobou-Oh Saw
- Dobou-Oh Spring
- Dobou-Oh Sonar
- Dobou-Oh Joust
- Dobou-Oh Boxer
- Dobou-Wild Stampede
- Dobou-Oh Chariot