Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Kelsey Winslow is the Yellow Lightspeed Ranger.


Kelsey is extremely active physically, being a professional mountain climber and overall extreme sports enthusiast. She takes the job as the Lightspeed Yellow Ranger, seeing it is the most exciting thing of which she's ever heard.

Kelsey is very much a free spirit, who loves extreme sports. She's very agile, and good at making quick decisions. However, she's also rather impulsive and hotheaded, and often will attack without thinking out the consequences. This is shown when, after failing to correctly do a mission, she was nearly killed and had to be hospitalized.

Out of all the Rangers, Kelsey has the closest relationship with Chad, the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. They are often seen doing activities together, like martial arts.

Yellow Lightspeed Ranger[]


  • Haz Rescue 4
  • Rail Rescue 4


  • Rescue Blaster
  • V-Lancer
  • Lightspeed Cycle
  • Rescue Morpher


  • Kelsey had a male Super Sentai counterpart, Daimon Tatsumi.
  • She and her female teammates gets along with each other.
  • Kelsey is the first Yellow Ranger to wield an arsenal item before the intended Ranger, otherwise known as Carter. ("Up To The Challenge")