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Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an fanfictional series entry in the Super Sentai series.

Kōzoku Sentai Rokaiger (translated as Royalty Taskforce Royal Rangers previously known as Ouritsu Sentai Rokaiger) is the second Super Sentai season in Gokai-Volt's Super Sentai franchise.

The series has elements from Mahou Sentai Magiranger and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. The series would later be adapted into Power Rangers Royal Legend

The series has a pirate and royalty motif.


Years ago - two allies found mysterious stones, filled with an mysterious power within them. However - disagreement formed between the two kingdoms and the two fell into a fully-fledged war between each-other - to obtain the mysterious stones.

However, with the kingdom of Earthija close to it's defeat - a band of mysterious space pirates come to the kingdom's aid - claiming to have knowledge about the stones. After years of war - Earthija and the space pirates claimed victory over the stones, which were now secured within the Earthija Castle. Earthija and it's citizens, as well as the space pirates, lived in peace.

Years later - the five siblings of the Earthija family are chosen to wield the power of the stones - however - the enemy of the past returns to reclaim the stones as theirs. Equipped with their new powers - the siblings must now fight to rescue their kingdom and enhance their new powers as the fight for the safety of their kingdom begins!



Desgination Name
RokaiCrimson Ruriko Earthija
RokaiNavy Katsuto Earthija
RokaiGold Izumi Earthija
RokaiPurple Ginga Earthija
RokaiOrange Riki Earthija
Blademask Prince Inazuma Xeros
RokaiCaptain Captain Raiden


  • Rokuccaneer Pirates
  • Captain Raiden
  • Earthija Family
  • Earthija Royal Guard
  • Master (Unnamed)
  • Magical Lamp


  • Planet Xernos
    • Emperor Xernos
    • Prince Inazuma ► Blademask ► RokaiGrey
    • Blademask II ► Captain Raiden (controlled)
  • Dark Stone Tribe
    • Tribe King
  • Grunts
    • Bouldrions


Transformation Devices[]

  • Earth Stone Brace
  • Lighting Stone Brace
  • Captain Brace


  • Earthija Swords
  • Black Thunder Sword

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Earth Stones
  • Lightning Stones


  • Earthija Shields


  • Royal Megazord
  • Pirate Megazord
  • Thunder Megazord


Episodes (Rokaiger)

01. The Legend Begins
02. The Chosen Five
03. Crash the Ceremony - Arrival of the Dark Stone Tribe
04. The Master’s Lesson
05. The Journey Begins
06. The Sibling’s Quarrel
07. Out of the Shadows - The Masked Blade Strikes
08. The Thunderous Crimson Clash
09. The Secret Lineage
10. The Appearance of Six Swashbucklers
11. The Stories from the Seven Seas of Outer-space
12. The Trails
13. A Young Prince’s Courage
14. The Crimson’s Determination
15. The Golden Spark
16. The Princes’ Race
17. The Sibling’s Reunion
18. Out of the Shadows - The Masked Blade Strikes, Twice
19. The Legendary Lightning
20. The Rise of the Grey Soldier
21. The Sixth Chosen One
22. The Captain's Location
23. The Masked Blade’s Revival? (Part 1)
24. The Masked Blade’s Revival? (Part 2)
25. The Reveal
26. The Mask’s Final Battle
27. The Lightning Warrior’s Strike
28. The Captain's Resolve (Part 1)
29. The Captain's Resolve (Part 2)
30. A Family Reunion
31. The Captain's Promise
32. The Swashbuckler Reunion
33. The Secrets of Planet Xernos
34. The Captain's Secret
35. The Rise of the RokaiCaptain
36. RokaiGrey VS His Father
37. The Mask's Revival
38. The Captain's Fight
39. A Crew's Aid
40. The Rise of the Dark Stone Tribe
41. Battle Preparations
42. Out of the Shadows - The Masked Blade Strikes, Thrice (Part 1)
43. Out of the Shadows - The Masked Blade Strikes, Thrice (Part 2)
44. The End of the Mask Blade -RokaiGrey's Resolve
45. The Dark Stone King's Awakening
46. The Royal Determination
47. RokaiGrey VS The Tribe King
48. The Power of the Stones
49. The Enthronement (Part 1)
Finale. The Enthronement (Part 2)


  • This is the first Gokai-Volt Super Sentai Series to use the royalty motif and the second to use the family motif.
    • This is also the first series to break the traditional suit colours and to have a Gold Ranger that is not a Sixth or Extra Hero.
    • This is the first team to have seven Rangers at the end of the series.
  • Rokaiger and Crossenger are the first Gokai-Volt Super Sentai to have a VS movie.
    • The two teams meet again in Yūreiger, as guest stars for the 10th Anniversary.
  • In the Power Rangers counterpart, Royal Legend, the Blademask Arc is skipped due, to being a mature part of the series.

See Also[]

Togo Sentai CrossengerKōzoku Sentai RokaigerJōhō-gijutsu Sentai ApplirangerRyokō Sentai TreasurengerChikatetsu Sentai ShinkansengerKyūjo Sentai RescuengerNorimono Sentai DrivengerGenso Sentai TōkaigerYajū Sentai KemonogerTamashī Sentai YūreigerChōshinsei GamermanMadoushi Sentai Mahōger

Main Series
The Power RangersThe Power Rangers: Lucky AcesPower Rangers World FrontierPower Rangers Electric FightersPower Rangers Solar BrigadePower Rangers Victory VPower Rangers DynaforcePower Rangers B.I.O.Power Rangers Mythical ChargePower Rangers Nova FlashPower Rangers Aura SurgePower Rangers Divided FatesPower Rangers Nitro RacersPower Rangers Sonic BattalionPower Rangers Aero StormPower Rangers Thunder MastersPower Rangers Miracle GuardPower Rangers High TidePower Rangers Dyno BytePower Rangers Rail ThunderPower Rangers Shuriken SteelPower Rangers Lost KingdomPower Rangers OdysseyPower Rangers VersusPower Rangers Knight FuryPower Rangers CrystalizersPower Rangers Zord WarriorsPower Rangers Sunrise HeroesPower Rangers Insectors
Power Rangers Grid Champions
Giga Toku Adaptations
Power Rangers Hyperspace
Original Versions
Power Rangers Secret SquadronPower Rangers Trump CardsPower Rangers Interstellar ForcePower Rangers Jura Knights
