- "Shining Wonder! Gemstone Silver!"
- āRoll Call
Jordan Parker is Gemstone Silver, the Sixth Ranger and Silver Ranger of Power Rangers Gemstone.
When he was briefly possessed by Knightmare's Dark Oblivion power, he turned into Oblivion Silver, an evil version of Gemstone Silver.
Character History[]
Arrival to Crystalia[]
At just 17 years of age, Jordan Parker was the youngest geologist at Gem-Max Incorporated. His brilliance and intelligence was recognized by the CEO of Gem-Max and he was selected to become a deep space explorer/miner to find new sources of energy, including mining asteroids for ores that possessed immense energy. He left his younger brother, Johnathan Parker, behind on Earth while venturing out into outer space. His last words to him were, "Never lose that curious mind of yours." On his journey, he traveled to many planets in the galaxy and met many alien beings, from benevolent farmers to evil tyrants.
During one of his routine mining missions in the Mytanium Asteroid Belt, his ship was hit by a rogue asteroid and crash landed on the planet Crystalia. Here, he was rescued by the Crystal Knights of the Crystal Kingdom and presented before the Royal Gem Family. King Quartz, ruler of Crystalia, quickly tended to his wounds, but Jordan was hanging on by a thread. In order to save his life, the king implanted the Silver Kira Stone into his body, which miraculously healed him. It was later told to him that the Kira Stone within his body halted his aging process, this is due to Crystalia's extremely powerful magnetic fields, created by the many crystals and gemstones on the planet, which rapidly increases any outsider's age, if they are not native to the planet.
In return, Jordan offered his services as a deep space miner to provide assistance to Crystalia's security force, eradicating any rogue asteroids or other interstellar objects that posed a threat to the planet's safety. Shortly after, Jordan suffers from an illness related to his injuries. Upon examination, they discover that the Kira Stone implant merely halted his injuries' affects. Now, incredibly ill and weak, Jordan makes the decision to leave his life on Earth behind to stay on Crystalia and heal.
The Crystal Prince[]
After making such a decision, Jordan became a civilian in the Crystal Kingdom, working as a mechanic, even building his own Zord to one day use as a way to mine asteroids more safely and efficiently. While working at his mechanic shop in the city, he notices the young princess of the royal family frequently visiting him, only watching him from a distance, getting closer and closer every day. One day, the princess works up the courage to finally introduce herself as Luna, heir to the throne of the Crystal Kingdom. Jordan invites the princess to lunch and she excitedly agrees.
Come time of their meet up, Luna does not show. Jordan searches the city and discovers that she has been kidnapped by a gang of Kroggles, enemies of Crystalia who seek to plunge the planet into chaos. Jordan fights the Kroggles and saves Luna. Upon returning Luna to her family, King Quartz rewards him for his bravery and heroism by bestowing the title of Prince upon him. From then on, Jordan lived with the Gem Family, eventually being adopted and became the brother figure of Princess Luna. During his time as the prince, he became close with King Quartz' brother and Luna's uncle, Garza, who manipulated him into believing he did better when he worked alone than alongside others.
Several years later, a fully healed Jordan accompanied King Quartz, Queen Mira, and a squadron of Crystal Knights into the outskirts of the Crystal Kingdom to confront the evil Witch of the Poisonous Eye, Deevala, who had launched a small-scale invasion of Crystalia in the days prior. As the mighty family fought Deevala, she placed a curse on all of King Quartz's loved ones, including his beloved wife. The curse petrified her after she displayed the seal of the Great Pollution Empire, and she crumbled to dust seven days later, leaving nothing but her headdress behind.
After the Queen's death, Garza confided in Jordan with false hopes that he could save Luna by using King Quartz's notebook to locate the mystical Dreamstones, which grants a wish that could possibly remove Deevala's curse. In order to save her, Jordan began acting distant towards Luna, eventually leaving the planet and leading Luna to believe that he was going off to "hunt for treasure." Jordan, using his skills as a mechanic, finished creating the Drill Zord, as well as developing the Wonder Drill and Wonder Changer Morpher to transform into a powerful silver warrior, with a suit capable of searching for the Dreamstones and surviving in the vacuum of space. Unknown to him, he left around the same time where Crystalia fell and Garza led the full scale invasion of the Great Pollution Empire.
A Silver Mission[]
to be added
Jordan is a loyal, positive, and very sentimental individual. He is also very impulsive and stubborn, which more often than not, lands him in tough situations that require assistance. He is known to be very independent when he's hard at work, especially when it comes to finding the mystical Dreamstones, to prove that he is capable enough and willing to give it his all, not just to others, but to himself. As the adoptive, older brother of Luna, Jordan will do anything and everything in his power to keep her safe, even if that means getting himself into trouble. He has even vowed to go as far as hurting himself physically and mentally simply to keep a smile on her face. Luna, however, is very against this and has even condemned his actions several times, but he has gone on record to say that he doesn't care what happens to him and will protect her with every ounce of energy he has.
- King Quartz - Adoptive father (originally deceased, later revived as the Phoenix King Zord)
- Queen Mira - Adoptive mother (originally deceased, later revived through her headdress stone)
- Princess Luna - Adoptive younger sister
- Garza - Adoptive parental uncle (later becoming Knightmare, lead general of the Pollution Empire)
- Uncle Goldan - Adoptive parental uncle (originally native Crystalian, later returns as the Gold Fighter Zord)
- Johnathan Parker - Biological younger brother
- Mr. Parker - Biological father
Gemstone Silver[]

Gemstone Silver
- "Wonder Changer, Activate! Crystalize! Ha!"
- āTransformation announcement
Using the Wonder Changer, Jordan can access his Gemstone Form by pressing on the middle button that symbolizes his Ranger Helmet and then spins the disc to transform into his Gemstone Form allowing him to become Gemstone Silver. In this form he has access to his Wonder Drill and his personal zord that he can use in battle against the Pollution Empire and their Sludge Lords. In one of the previous episodes of Gemstone, Gemstone Silver also obtained the Crystal Express Zord and used it in battle. Gemstone Silver's suit design differs from the other Rangers, most notably with his pouch attached to his thigh, his goggles, and his arm guards being a different color than his base suit.
Powers and Abilities[]
to be added
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Morphing Devices[]
- Wonder Changer
- Wonder Drill
- Phoenix Fire Bow
- Phoenix Fire Armor
- Drill Zord/Wonder Drill Megazord
- Crystal Express Zord (shared between Gemstone Red and Gemstone Green)

Phoenix Fire Gemstone Silver
- "Phoenix Fire Bow, Unleashed! Phoenix Fire Armor! Ready!"
- āTransformation announcement via Phoenix Fire Bow
Using the Phoenix Fire Bow, Jordan and/or his teammates can access this powerful Gemstone Form by pressing on the red button that symbolizes a Super Ranger Form and then firing the arrow to transform into his Phoenix Fire Form allowing him to become Phoenix Fire Gemstone Silver. In this form he has access to the Phoenix Fire Bow and a zord that he can use in battle against the Pollution Empire and their Sludge Lords. However, this form can only last about 100 seconds (1 minute and 40 seconds) for the remainder of their time in battle. After which they have to recharge in order to use this form again.
Powers and Abilities[]
to be added
to be added
to be added
to be added
Morphing Devices[]
- Wonder Changer
- Wonder Drill
- Phoenix Fire Bow
- Phoenix Fire Armor

Oblivion Gemstone Silver
- "Pollution Changer, Activate! Obliviate! Ha!"
- āTransformation announcement
Ever since his near fatal injuries to his body 30 years ago, it had been kept in check by the Silver Kira Stone. Until Garza sent an Oblivion Energy Slash strike containing his concentrated Dark Oblivion power into Jordan during a duel. This turned into a Grimstone inside of him, which obeys every command issued by Garza. Now that the Grimstone had full control of Jordan's body, it can make him change into an evil variation of his original Gemstone Ranger Form, called Oblivion Gemstone Silver. Using the Pollution Changer, the possessed Jordan can access his Oblivion Gemstone Form by pressing on the middle button that symbolizes a monster face and then spins the disc to transform into Oblivion Gemstone Silver. Occasionally, Jordan can still talk while possessed and can even wrench himself free from the control of the Grimstone, but not before losing the battle of wills. While in this form, the dark energy he gathers goes over to Garza empowering him instead.
Powers and Abilities[]
to be added
to be added
to be added
to be added
Morphing Devices[]
- Pollution Changer
- Wonder Drill
- "Kira Stone Mode, Activate!"
- āTransformation announcement
Behind the Scenes[]
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to be added
See Also[]
- Takamichi Crystalia - Super Sentai counterpart in show. See comparison page.