Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"Dazzling Curiosity! Gemstone Gold!"
ā€•Gemstone Gold's Roll Call

Johnathan Parker is the mentor of Power Rangers Gemstone. He is the 45-year old founder of Gemcore University's exclusive Gemstone Club, which he created to prepare the world against the Great Pollution Empire's forthcoming invasion. He is also a family friend of King Quartz, due to the king having met his long-lost older brother, Jordan Parker, thirty years ago.

Character History[]

Johnathan was born two years after his brother, Jordan.

Thirty years ago, when Johnathan was 15 years old, Johnathan was selected to become a deep space miner for Gem-Max Incorporated. This would be the last time they saw each other with Jordan's last words to Johnathan being, "Never lose that curious mind of yours."

Within the next thirty years, Jordan reestablishes connection with Johnathan, informing him of his situation on Crystalia.

At age 35, he became a science teacher at Crystal Peaks Middle School.

5 years later, he accepted a job offer at Crystal Peaks High School as head educator of the science department. It was here that he created the Gemstone Club. At first, it was an open club for anyone who wanted to expand their curiosity and creativity.

At some point over the next 5 years, Crystal Peaks High School became Gemcore University, a pristine academy dedicated to training the next generation of Power Rangers. When the high school became the Ranger academy, Johnathan made the Gemstone Club an exclusive, members only club. University students Ryan Mills and Jared Seymour were among the first of the five members of Gemstone. After joining, Ryan invited freshman, Bailey Cooper to become the third member of Gemstone. The last member to join before the invasion of the Great Pollution Empire was popular student Ava Paige.

One year later, Princess Luna arrived on Earth, with the five Kira Stones, and informed Johnathan of the incoming invasion. The members of Gemstone were approached by Luna and selected by the Kira Stones to become the next team of Power Rangers. The new Rangers are alerted of an enemy presence that turns out to be one of Johnathan's simulations to test their skills before fighting the real threat.

During the first wave of the Great Pollution Empire's invasion, Johnathan mobilizes the Gemstone Rangers into battle. Here, they meet Gemcore University freshman, Peter Wright, who becomes the Red Gemstone Ranger after he meets with Princess Luna and Pyro. As the five member team is assembled, Johnathan becomes their official mentor.


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Gemstone Gold[]


Gemstone Gold (Imaginary)

"Phoenix Fire Bow, Unleash The Power!"
ā€•Transformation announcement via Phoenix Fire Bow
"Dazzling Curiosity! Gemstone Gold!"
ā€•Gemstone Gold's Roll Call

Using the Phoenix Fire Bow, Johnathan can access this powerful Gemstone Form by pressing on the red button that symbolizes a Super Ranger Form and then fires the arrow to transform into his Gemstone Form allowing him to become Gemstone Gold. In this form, he has access to the Phoenix Fire Bow as a transformation device and weaponry. However, this only appeared in an imagination created by Johnathan to become the seventh Gemstone Ranger.


  • Phoenix Fire Bow (Imaginary)

This ranger is exclusive to Episode 30: That Curious Mind


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Behind the Scenes[]


Johnathan Parker is portrayed by actor Randy Havens, who portrayed Scott Clarke in the Netflix original series, Stranger Things.


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See Also[]
