Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Jiku-Oh is the main mecha of the Maruchibasu Sentai Powerranger in Maruchibasu Sentai Power Ranger.


Jiku-Oh was, along with its sister mecha (Multiverse Megazord), was created as the culmination of current Sentai and Ranger technology. It was meant to be more powerful than previous mecha designs, and thus, was out fitted with the most advanced technology and systems available. Because of this, it is exponentially more powerful than other mechas.

Multiverse Machines[]

Machine Jet[]

Maruchibasu jet
Machine Jet
Number: 4
Pilot(s): Pink Ranger
Length: 30.0 m
Width: 24.3 m
Height: 10.0 m
Weight: 300 tons
Speed: 1,500 km/h
Power: 3,400,000

Machine Jet is the Pink Ranger's personal zord. It forms the body, torso, & legs of Jiku-Oh. On its own, Machine Jet can fire powerful beams of pink energy at targets. It's true strength, however, lies in it's speed as it is the fastest of the machines in the ranger's arsenal.


Machine Shovel[]

Maruchibasu shovel
Machine Shovel
Number: 5
Pilots: Green Ranger
Length: 21.0 m
Width: 10.0 m
Height: 15.3 m
Weight: 300 tons
Speed: 250 km/h
Power: 3,600,000

Machine Shovel  is the Green Ranger's personal zord. It forms the left arm of Jiku-Oh. On its own, it possesses immense strength and is armed with an excavator arm, which breaks up the ground to fling debris as projectiles.


Machine Drill[]

Maruchibasu drill
Machine Shovel
Number: 6
Pilots: Black Ranger
Length: 31.0 m
Width: 11.4 m
Height: 9.5 m
Weight: 650 tons
Speed: 360 km/h
Speed Underground: 310 km/h
Power: 3,500,000

Machine Dril  is the Black Ranger's personal zord. It forms the right arm of Jiku-Oh. On its own, it possesses extreme strength and is armed with a drill, which can allow is to dill past enemy's, or go underground for stealth missions.


