Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an Zord-like ally in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.


Jewelzord Scooper, initially the Yellow Crystalian Jewel, is Topaz Yellow's excavator shovel Zord. Scooper is also the self-proclaimed leader of the unofficial "Scooper Corps", consisting of himself and the first three auxiliary Jewelzords


Jewelzord Scooper was born years ago on the planet of Crystalia in the dormant form of the Yellow Crystalian Jewel. He was asleep for many years until the day for him to be of use. After the takeover of Crystalia and the death of King Moonstone, Princess Opalia woke up the Yellow Crystalian Jewel and took him to Earth with her to find the Yellow Jewel Ranger to battle the Jothunheim Army of Darkness.

After the Faucet Beast was released, the Yellow Crystalian Jewel was transformed into Jewelzord Scooper. Armed with a powerful shovel arm, Jewelzord Scooper has been a powerful ally to the Rangers.


Temperamental and short-fused due to being older than the other Jewels, Scooper often argues with his partner and is quick to criticize, often taking things to a standstill point, though he does have a good (yet overly ambitious) part of him.


MSK-Yellow Kiramai Stone

Yellow Crystalian Jewel

As a Jewelzord, Shovel possesses immense strength and is armed with the Scooper Shovel excavator arm, which breaks up the ground to fling debris as projectiles to match his partner's sharpshooting skills. It also possesses surprising dexterity and can be used as a grasping tool. Forms the left arm of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord and the Land Storm Megazord.


"Topaz Yellow"

"(Rock music) Sparkle, Rangers! Sparkle!"
―Transformation sound[src]





See Also:[]
