Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an Zord-like ally in Power Rangers: Jewel Machines.


Jewelzord Mach, initially the Green Crystalian Stone, is Emerald Green's sports car Zord.


Jewelzord Mach was born years ago on the planet of Crystalia in the dormant form of the Green Crystalian Jewel. He was asleep for many years until the day for him to be of use. After the takeover of Crystalia and the death of King Moonstone, Princess Opalia woke up the Green Crystalian Jewel and took him to Earth with her to find the Green Jewel Ranger to battle the Jothunheim Army of Darkness.

After the Faucet Beast was released, the Green Crystalian Jewel was transformed into Jewelzord Mach. Armed with turbo speed, Jewelzord Mach has been a powerful ally to the Rangers.


Suave and gentlemanly in nature, he shares his partner's love for speed and admires her methods in the field. Mach also displays hints of infatuation towards his partner, which is more apparent is some scenes more than others.


MSK-Green Kiramai Stone

Green Crystalian Jewel

As a Jewelzord, Mach is armed with the Mach Flash lasers in his headlights and can reach supersonic speeds. He can also drive up vertical surfaces or use Jewelzord Blazer's ladder as a ramp to launch himself into Marks Beasts. Forms the head and right shoulder pad of the Sparkling Jewel Megazord and the Land Storm Megazord. Mach can also finish an opponent via his Turbo Wind attack technique, where he charges through the opponent while barrel-rolling through the air surrounded with energy.


"Emerald Green"

"(Rock music) Sparkle, Rangers! Sparkle!"
ā€•Transformation sound[src]



  • Jewelzord Mach



See Also:[]
