The Infinex Megazord is the combination of the Infinity Zords, and is the main Megazord for the Infinity Rangers.
Using the cry of "Infinity Zords, Awaken!" the Infinity Zords activate from their hangers in the Mystic Palace. They then run down their walkways, as portals summon at the end, allowing them to enter the fight. After that, the Rangers are teleported into the cockpits of their respective Zords. Then, the Rangers shout "Combine Power!" beginning the combination sequence
The Red Lion Zord becomes the torso, the Black Bull Zord forms the legs, the Blue Shark Zord and Yellow Lion Zord become the arms, and the pink Eagle Zord becomes the head.
The Infinex Megazord is capable of summoning the Infinex Greatsword, which is used for its finishing move, Infinity Strike, in which a combined multi-colored energy blast is released from the Infinex Greatsword as it slashes at the Monster, with a silhouette of all the separate Zords encased within the attack which would plow through and obliterate the Monster.
Megazord Modes[]
Over time, new Auxillery Zords were created, allowing for new Megazord combinations.
Infinex Gatling Formation[]
The Infinex Gatling Formation is created when the Megazord combines with the Cyan Dolphin Zord, which replaces the Blue Shark Zord, and gives it access to Gatling guns.
Its Final Strike is Gatling Knuckle Barrage, where the Megazord shoots a volley of supercharged rounds from the Dolphin Zord's Gatling Guns, eliminating the Monster.
Infinex Megazord Clutcher Formation[]
The Infinex Clutcher Formation is created when the Megazord combines with the Emerald Deer Zord, which replaces Yellow Tiger Zord and gives its access to Pincers formed from its antlers.
Infinex Megazord Gatling-Clutcher Formation[]
The Infinex Clutcher Formation is created when the Megazord combines with the Emerald Deer Zord and Cyan Dolphin Zord, replacing both of its arms and giving it their respective powers.