Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-tokkyuger This article is about a/an zord in Power Rangers Train Guardians.

The Hyper Linerzord is the personal zord of Hyper Guardian Red in Power Rangers Train Guardians, as well as the headquarters of the Shine Express President.


The "Hyper Linerzord" is composed of two parts: a smaller streamlined Guardian Liner and a giant tank locomotive. While it is normally the headquarters of the President, it can be used for combat against the Shadow Express when permission is granted, then it is piloted by a Hyper Guardian. It can use its lasers cannons at its side to attack, and its giant size allows for ramming speed. This gigantic train also serves as the station for the Linerzords and Train Guardian Rangers, dubbed the Hyper Liner Terminal. TBA claims the terminal is the Shine Express' equivalent to the Shadow Express' Shadow Terminal.

The Hyper Liner Terminal is the transformed form of the Hyper Linerzord that carries the five main linerzords of the Train Guardian Rangers, as well as the components of the Diesel Guard Megazord, Builder Linerzord, Fire Linerzord, Police Linerzord, Drill Linerzord and Shield Linerzord on extensions to the side of the main terminal.


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Hyper Guard Megazord[]

The Hyper Guard Megazord is the Megazord Form of the two Hyper Linerzord components.

The Hyper Guard Megazord is armed with blaster cannons in its fingers called the Hyper Hand Blasters. As its hands are immobile, the Hyper Guard Megazord uses karate chops when engaging enemies in close range combat. It's finishing move is the Hyper Liner Burst, a triple red and gold energy beam fired from its hands and chest designs put side-to-side.

Appearances: Train Guardians Episodes TBD

Additional Formations[]

Hyper Express Ultrazord[]

The Hyper Express Ultrazord is the largest and most powerful combination the Train Guardian Rangers have in their arsenal, towering over all but the largest of opponents. It utilizes the energy of the 13 Guardian Liners as well as the power of the Hyper Linerzord, being called the strongest weapon in the Train Guardian Rangers' arsenal.

Its extremely large size makes most attacks ineffective as it marches through, easily towering over TBA robos, even those of the Generals. What was originally the Hyper Guard Megazord's arms are mounted on its ankles, but they can be transferred onto the Hyper Express Ultrazord's forearms to form the arm mounted Hyper Express Cannons or grow into the Hyper Express Sabers, arm swords which it uses for its Hyper Express Slash attack. The Hyper Express Ultrazord's finisher is the Hyper Express Strike, an energized double slash with the Hyper Express Sabers.

Appearances: Train Guardians Episodes TBD

Guardian Liner[]

Hyper ToQRessha

Hyper Liner


  • The Hyper Ressha in train form is based on the JNR Class C11.
  • The Hyper Express Ultrazord is the tallest train-themed megazord in all of Power Rangers, beating the previous largest, the Supertrain Megazord, by 8 meters.


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Train Guardians Icon-tokkyuger
Elliot Mason - Ryan Sheen - Tiana Allen - Aiden Hughes - Dani Baldwin - Cooper Alexander
Liner Express Morpher - Express Cell Morpher - Guardian Liners - Cell Passers - Express Defender
Rail Saber - Station Blaster - Signal Smasher - Tunnel Chopper - Bridge Slasher - Light Guide Saber
Express Rail Cannon - Rail Turn Cannon
to be added
Zords and Megazords:
Red Linerzord - Blue Linerzord - Yellow Linerzord - Green Linerzord - Pink Linerzord - Shield Linerzord - Carrier Linerzord - Tanker Linerzord - Diesel Linerzord - Fire Linerzord - Police Linerzord - Drill Linerzord - Builder Linerzord - Hyper Linerzord
Liner Guard Megazord - Diesel Guard Megazord - Diesel Liner Guard Megazord - Builder Guard Megazord - Express Guard Megazord - Hyper Guard Megazord - Hyper Express Ultrazord
Shadow Line Shadow Express
to be added
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