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This article is about a/an Megazord in Power Rangers Olympian Force.

The Hero Megazord is a Megazord in Power Rangers Olympian Force.


When the Olympian Rangers freed Hecate from her Dark God half, Dark God Hecate grew to giant size to crush the Rangers. The Rangers were about to summon their Zords when Hecate stopped them. She used the Hero Armor the five main Rangers were wearing as inspiration and created the Hero Zords by reshaping some of the Hero Armor's power. The Rangers used the Zords, and the combined Megazord, to defeat Dark God Hecate


Zeus Hero Zord[]

The Zeus Hero Zord is mostly red, with gold in the shape of two lightning bolts crossing in an x shape on the chest (Jay's visor shape), golden arms and legs. The gold in the arms and legs are cut off by red in the elbow, hands, knees and feet. It's head is a red Roman ridge helmet design, similar to the Olympian Megazord's head but with a metal ridge on it instead of a plume. It can use a red sword, more like a gladius than the Lightning Sword's shape, to attack enemies. It forms the body and head of the Hero Megazord.

Appearances: OF Myth 22-27, 32, 36

Poseidon Hero Zord[]

The Poseidon Hero Zord is mostly blue, with gold in the shape of a trident on the chest (Nate's visor shape), golden arms and legs. The gold in the arms and legs are cut off by blue in the elbow, hands, knees and feet. It's head is a blue Roman ridge helmet design, similar to the Olympian Megazord's head but with a metal ridge on it instead of a plume. It can use a blue trident to attack enemies. It forms the left arm of the Hero Megazord.

Appearances: OF Myth 22-27, 32, 36

Hephaestus Hero Zord[]

The Hephaestus Hero Zord is mostly black, with gold in the shape of a hammer on the chest (Victor's visor shape), golden arms and legs. The gold in the arms and legs are cut off by black in the elbow, hands, knees and feet. It's head is a black Roman ridge helmet design, similar to the Olympian Megazord's head but with a metal ridge on it instead of a plume. It can use a black two handed hammer to attack enemies. It forms the right arm of the Hero Megazord.

Appearances: OF Myth 22-27, 32

Athena Hero Zord[]

The Athena Hero Zord is mostly yellow, with gold in the shape of a spear on the chest (Mera's visor shape), golden arms and legs. The gold in the arms and legs are cut off by yellow in the elbow, hands, knees and feet. It's head is a yelow Roman ridge helmet design, similar to the Olympian Megazord's head but with a metal ridge on it instead of a plume. It can use a yellow spear to attack enemies. It forms the right leg of the Hero Megazord.

Appearances: OF Myth 22-27, 32, 36

Aphrodite Hero Zord[]

The Aphrodite Hero Zord is mostly pink, with gold in the shape of a heart on the chest (Valerie's visor shape), golden arms and legs. The gold in the arms and legs are cut off by pink in the elbow, hands, knees and feet. It's head is a pink Roman ridge helmet design, similar to the Olympian Megazord's head but with a metal ridge on it instead of a plume. It can use a pink bow that fires energy arrows to attack enemies. It forms the left leg of the Hero Megazord.

Appearances: OF Myth 22-27, 32, 36


The Zeus Hero Zord forms the body and the head of the formation, while the Poseidon and Hephaestus Hero Zords create the left and right arm respectively and the Aphrodite and Athena Hero Zords form the left and right legs respectively.


The Hero Megazord can fight with golden versions of any of the Ranger's weapons known as the Hero Weapons. As such, they have five finishers:

  • Hero Sword Strike- This finisher is used when the Hero Megazord is wielding the Hero Sword. The Hero Megazord charges its power into the sword before slashing the enemy with it.
  • Hero Trident Throw- This finisher is used when the Hero Megazord is wielding the Hero Trident. The Hero Megazord raises the Hero Trident to summon walls of water to hold the enemy in place before charging up its power into the Hero Trident and hurling it through the enemy.
  • Hero Hammer Strike- This finisher is used when the Hero Megazord is wielding the Hero Hammer. The Hero Megazord charges up its power into the Hero Hammer before slamming the enemy into the ground. While it was strong enough to defeat Dark God Janus, it is unknown if the Hero Megazord was using its full power.
  • Hero Spear Strike- This finisher is used when the Hero Megazord is wielding the Hero Spear. The Hero Megazord charges up its power into the Hero Spear while trying to detect a weak point. Once the weak point is detected, the Hero Spear is stabbed into it.
  • Hero Bow Arrow Strike- This finisher is used when the Hero Megazord is wielding the Hero Bow. The Hero Megazord charges up its power into an energy arrow that is then fired from the Hero Bow.


  • The Hero Zords were based on the Giant Beast Generals/Shogun Zords from Kakuranger/MMPR Season 3 and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers in that they have individual weapons and that they are humanoids that combine into a larger humanoid.

