Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Guardian Steel Megazord is the Guardian Steel Rangers' Megazord in Power Rangers Jungle Steel.


Lion GuardianZord[]

Lion GuardianZord is the Guardian Steel Lion's lion zord. It wields the power of fire.

Bat GuardianZord[]

Bat GuardianZord is the Guardian Steel Bat's bat zord. It wields the power of dark.

Dolphin GuardianZord[]

Dolphin GuardianZord is the Guardian Steel Dolphin's dolphin zord. It wields the power of water.

Wolf GuardianZord[]

Wolf GuardianZord is the Guardian Steel Wolf's wolf zord. It wields the power of metal.

Penguin GuardianZord[]

Penguin GuardianZord is the Guardian Steel Penguin's penguin zord. It wields the power of ice.
