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The Grid-Energized Megazord (G.E.M.Z. for short) is the main Megazord in Power Rangers Project G.E.A.R., unique in that it only requires one pilot and has a "mix-and-match"-style combination with four known forms, each composed of two Zords each.


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Main article: J.A.R.A.N.

MightyTyranno is the zord form of Red One. As MightyTyranno, Red One can utilize the Mighty Sword as a tail for powerful slashes, breathe fire, fire energy shots from the vulcans on his shoulders, and transform between his dinosaur and robot forms at will. In this form, Red One can finish off giant foes by simply leaping into the air and falling rear end-first, impaling the enemy with the Mighty Sword.


Main article: T.A.Y.O.N.

WildLion is the zord form of Yellow Two. As WildLion, Yellow Two can utilize his claws in a series of back flip slashes, move with swift speed to dodge enemy attacks, and stores the Wild Claw on his back to act as the upper mane.


Main article: M.A.G.I.D.A.

TitanDragon is the zord form of Pink Three. As TitanDragon, Pink Three gains the ability of flight, perform slashes with her wings, fire an electric-based beam of magic energy from her jaws, and the Mystic Staff is stored as her tail.


Main article: V.R.A.X.

DriveMaxDump is the zord form of Blue Four. As VroonDump, Blue Four can drive at speeds faster than his enemies, utilize his front bumper as a battering ram to plow through solid concrete, and the Overdrive Picker is stored on top of his front end.


Megazord MightyWild[]

Megazord MightyWild is G.E.M.Z's alternate combination of JuranTyranno and GaonLion. This combination features Red One as the entire left half, while Yellow Two makes up the right. J.A.R.A.N. and T.A.Y.O.N's conscious can take full control of the Megazord by snapping the fangs once for J.A.R.A.N. and twice for T.A.Y.O.N. The G.E.M.Z. is armed with the Mighty Sword and Mighty Shield when J.A.R.A.N's in control, and the Wild Claw when T.A.Y.O.N's in control. Using Red One's weapons, the Megazord uses a combat technique similar to that of a knight. When using the Wild Claw, however, the Megazord switches to a more barbaric fighting style, leaping and jumping while strangling the enemy with its legs. Its finisher is the Mighty Slash, where Megazord MightyWild waves the Mighty Sword in a circle that constructs an energy manifestation of a Power Gear. After the energy infuses itself into the sword, the Megazord executes a three-fold energy slash to destroy Alpha-Cogs/Megabots.

Megazord MightyTitan[]

Megazord MightyTitan is G.E.M.Z's alternate combination of JuranTyranno and TitanDragon. This combination features Red One as the entire left half, while Pink Three makes up the right, the latter's wings mounted on the mecha's back. The G.E.M.Z. is armed with the Mighty Sword and Mighty Shield when J.A.R.A.N's in control, and the Mystic Staff when M.A.G.I.D.A's in control. The Megazord is able to fly using Pink Three's wings, and using the Mystic Staff can bludgeon or strike opponents and use pink energy beams to cast illusionary spells.

Megazord DriveMaxTitan[]

Megazord DriveMaxTitan is G.E.M.Z's alternate combination of DriveMaxDump and TitanDragon. This combination features Blue Four as the entire left half and the wheels are placed on each leg, while Pink Three makes up the right and the wings are placed on each shoulder. V.R.A.X. and M.A.G.I.D.A's conscious can take full control of the Megazord by snapping the panels once for V.R.A.X. and twice for M.A.G.I.D.A. The G.E.M.Z. is armed with the Overdrive Picker, utilizing it as an ax or an energy crossbow, when V.R.A.X's in control, and the Mystic Staff when M.A.G.I.D.A's in control. Its finisher is the DriveMax Strike, where Megazord DriveMaxTitan moves forward on its wheels to charge the Overdrive Picker. After the weapon reaches full power, the Megazord executes a three-fold energy strike to destroy Alpha-Cogs/Megabots.

To cope with the Noon Megabot's bright light, the combination temporarily sported a pair of solar viewing glasses conjured by Magine's magic powers.

Megazord DriveMaxWild[]

Megazord DriveMaxWild is G.E.M.Z's alternate combination of WildLion and DriveMaxDump. This combination features Blue Four as the entire left half, while Yellow Two makes up the right, the former's wheels mounted on the mecha's legs. The G.E.M.Z. is armed with the Overdrive Picker when V.R.A.X's in control, and the Wild Claw when T.A.Y.O.N's in control. The Megazord is able to dash across the battlefield with Blue Four's wheels, and both use extensive melee combat when using the weapons. Despite this, it combines Blue Four's power with Yellow Two's quick reflexes, throwing powerful punches in quick sucession.


  • An evil version of both Megazord MightyWild and DriveMaxTitan were created by the Copy Megabot via his copying abilities.


  • The Grid-Energized Megazord is the first primary Megazord that requires only one pilot.
  • Although both Megazord MightyTitan and DriveMaxTitan feature the same component as the right half, the CGI renders for both feature black right hands, while the DriveMaxTitan suit features a pink right hand.
  • Due to the toy-accurate natures of most mecha suits, both primary combinations of the Grid-Energized Megazord feature exposed heads somewhere on the left half of their bodies.