Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Golden Legends Megazord is the Gold Legendary Ranger's main Megazord.

Possible combinations[]

Golden Legends Megazord Samurai Mode[]

The Golden Legends Megazord Samurai Mode is the melee combat form of the Golden Legends Megazord. In this form, the Megazord's reflexes are at their peak levels, allowing the Megazord to perform rapid slashes with the Super Samurai Blade. The blade can also be used to block incoming attacks. Its finisher is the Samurai Fire Slash, where the Samurai Microbot charges up the Super Samurai Blade with fire, forming an energy manifestation of the Fire Smasher. The Megazord then deals several flaming slashes that forms the Samurai Rangers' logo followed by a larger flame slash, destroying the enemy in the process.

Golden Legends Megazord Zeo Mode[]

The Golden Legends Megazord Zeo Mode is the ranged combat form of the Golden Legends Megazord. Much like the Golden Legends Megazord Samurai Mode, this formation features enhanced reflexes, with the Super Zeo Cannon as a battering ram and a large ranged weapon. As with Orion's Zeo Form, the Zeo Microbot specializes in hand-to-hand combat, both arms being used to smash the enemy. This combination features three finishers: The first is the Zeo Super Blast, where the Zeo Microbot charges the Super Zeo Cannon and generates avatars of a phoenix, sphinx, bull, Dogu statue and Moai statue. The Megazord then fires repeated energy shots at the Megazord before a giant pyramid avatar delivers the crushing blow. The second is the Super Zeo Crunch, where the Megazord charges and opens the jaws of the Legendary Golden Mosaā€™s nosecone to generate a vacuum that engulfs the opponent into the gaping maw, followed by the enemy exploding before the jaws close. The third is the Super Zeo Kick, where the Megazord delivers a series of flying kicks that destroys the enemy.
