The Gem Squad Megazord is the main Megazord of Power Rangers Gem Squad. It can extend its right ladder arm for the Fire Punch attack, use the excavator arm for the Digger Claw, which tosses debris projectiles, fire the Flash laser headlights from its right shoulder, generate the hurricane-force winds from the Copter Rotor blades on its chest, and slash with Jewel Sword blade. Its finisher is the Crystalized Crash, where the Megazord waves the Jewel Sword in a circle to build up energy before executing a three-fold energy slash to destroy monsters. The core 5 Zords also have a special attack technique known as the Gemstone Bomber, where the Jet Gem, Digger Gem, Copter Gem, and Car Gem Zords stack in Stone Mode next to the Fire Gem Zord, which swings its ladder to send them smashing into the enemy.
Alternate combinations[]
Gem Squad Microzord (Air)[]
The Gem Squad Microzord Air is the combined form of the Jet Gem and Copter Gem Zords, which is able to fly using the copter rotors and jet's boosters. The Microzord is armed with a pair of vulcan guns in its forearms which it uses in strafing attacks. While smaller and weaker than its Earth form, the Air Microzord makes up for it with its greater speed and agility.
Gem Squad Microzord (Earth)[]
The Gem Squad Microzord Earth is the combined form of the Fire Gem, Digger Gem and Car Gem Zords. This Microzord possesses immense strength, being able to grab monsters with the excavator arm and throw them around one handed, but has low speed and agility. To compensate, it can use the ladder arm for long-distance punches or as a ramp which the Car Gem Zord can ride along to ram into monsters. Its signature attack is the Blazing Earth, where the Microzord changes the Car Gem Zord to red, and generates hot flames, which are fired from the face at the monster. Its finisher is the Earth Smash, where the Microzord extends the Ladder to snag the monster before leaping into the air where it pulls itself towards the monster by retracting the ladder. Once within range, it swings the excavator arm in circles and delivers a barrage of winding punches until the monster is destroyed.