Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-zenkaiger This article is about a/an megazord in Power Rangers Gear Surge .

Gearror Megazord is the Gearror Ranger's personal Megazord in Power Rangers Gear Surge. After it was destroyed in the battle against the Voyage Megazord, the Gearror Megazord would be rebuilt by the Gearror Dynasty as the Gearror Megazord II. After its second battle with the Mega Surge Battlezord, the Gearror Megazord II would be rebuilt by the Gearror Dynasty as the Gearror Megazord III.


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Appearances: Gear Surge Episodes 11-14, 20-21, 32


The Gearror Megazord was built by Xiana for the Gearror Ranger in response to the arrival of the Gold Surge Ranger and to counter the Crocodile Surge Zord. Simple Game of Tag

The Gearror Megazord would be then completed, and piloted by Emonzu to aid Snail Topibot against Surge Megazord Wild Dino. It, along with Emonzu would witness the Crocodile Surge Zord transform into the Samurai Voyage Megazord and would engage Surge Megazord Wild Dino, while Snail Topibot fought the Samurai Voyage Megazord and would be defeated by the megazord shortly after. Just as the Gearror Megazord cornered Wild Dino, Emonzu decided to withdraw after seeing the Samurai Voyage Megazord approach and disappeared along with the Gearror Megazord through a portal back to the Gearror Palace. A Mega Voyage with Terror


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Flight: The Gearror Megazord flew into battle whenever it was summoned by the Gearror Ranger.
  • Teleportation: The Gearror Megazord was able to teleport out of battle when things went wrong.


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  • Dark Saber: The Gearror Megazord wielded a massive black katana to hack and slash its enemies.
  • Gearror Shield: The Gearror Megazord had a large face shaped shield to defend itself against attacks.
  • Gearror Blades: Two swords that could be detached from the the Gearror Megazord's legs to batter its enemies with.
    • Gearror Blade Launch: The Gearror Megazord could detach the Gearror Blades from its legs and spin them before launching them at its enemies with enough power to obliterate Trash Topibot with one hit.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Laser Blasts: Gearror Megazord II could fire lasers from the middle of its upper back.


  • Strength: Gearror Megazord II was able to easily defeat a giant sized Dragon Surge Ranger and fight the Surge Megazord to a stalemate overnight.


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  • Dark Saber and Gearror Shield: The same sword and shield as used by the first Gearror Megazord.
    • Dark Splitter Slash: The finisher of Gearror Megazord II, where it slowly spined the Dark Saber in a clockwise motion then delivering a devastating downward diagonal sword slash.
  • Gearror Blades: The same pair of swords as used by the first Gearror Megazord.
    • Gearror Lightning Blitz: Though lacking its previous finisher, the Gearror Blades could fire purple lasers from them, its trapezius ports, and the middle spot on its crown.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Dark Saber and Gearror Shield: The same sword and shield as used by the first Gearror Megazord.
  • Gearror Blades: The same pair of swords as used by the first Gearror Megazord.


  • Aside from the head designs, both versions of the Gearror Megazord are identical in appearance.


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Gear Surge Icon-zenkaiger
Keith Robinson - Juran - Tamen - Voya - Delion - Myles Braddock
Gatling Surge Morpher (Gearror Morpher) - Cutlass Shot Morpher
Surge Gear-related
Surge Gears (Dark Gears) - Surge Buckle (Pirate Surge Buckle)
Dino Surge Sword and Surge Shield - Wild Surge Claw - Mystic Surge Wand - Drive Surge Pickaxe - Drago Driller - Ultra Gear Cannon
Zords and Megazords
Tyranno Dino Zord - Lion Wild Zord - Dragon Titan Zord - Dump Drive Zord - Crocodile Surge Zord (Croc Jetter - Croc Cycler) - Tyranno Gearror Zord - Lion Gearror Zord - Ultra Gear Jet Zord
Taro Cycle
Surge Megazord (Wild Dino - Titan Drive - Dino Titan - Wild Drive - Mega Dino - Mega Drive - Taro Surge Megazord) - Voyage Megazord (Pharaoh Voyage Megazord - Samurai Voyage Megazord - Super Voyage Megazord) - Mega Surge Battlezord (Mega Surge Drill) - Gearror Megazord (Gearror Megazord II - Gearror Megazord III) - Gearror Surge Megazord Wild Dino - Gear Surge Ultrazord - Gearror Damagezord - Xianeutralizer
Avird - Charles Robinson - Aisha Robinson - Nia Robinson - Mia Braddock - Pharaoh Surgebot - Samurai Surgebot
Others: Taron
KSZe-Tojitendo Symbol Gearror Dynasty
Leader: King Zujian
Generals: Commander Chize - Xiana - Conia - Emonzu - Jiphan
Topians: Shroom Topian - Ice Topian - Boxer Topian - Sushi Topian - Trash Topian (Recycle Topian) - Door Topian - Mochi Topian - Sun Topian - Tag Topian - Snail Topian - Magnet Topian - Vanish Topian - Kabuto Topian - Cowherd Topian - Copy Topian - Bull Topian - Manga Topian - Persim Topian - Cow Topian - Invert Topian - Halloween Topian - Diamond Topian - Surprise Topian - Festival Topian - New Years Topian
Topibots: Shroom Topibot - Ice Topibot - Boxer Topibot - Sushi Topibot - Trash Topibot (Recycle Topibot) - Door Topibot - Mochi Topibot - Sun Topibot - Tag Topibot - Snail Topibot - Magnet Topibot - Vanish Topibot - Kabuto Topibot - Cowherd Topibot - Copy Topibot - Bull Topibot - Manga Topibot - Persim Topibot - Cow Topibot - Invert Topibot - Halloween Topibot - Diamond Topibot - Surprise Topibot - Festival Topibot - New Years Topibot
Footsoldiers: Cogions - Gearriors - Gearbots (Neo Gearbots)
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