Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"Let's go, Garu!"
ā€•Morgana's (main) summoning call for the Garu Zord

The Garu Zord, also known simply as Garu, is the Black Persona Ranger's original Zord. Morgana summoned and controlled the Zord with his mask.


The Garu Zord and Black Persona Ranger powers were gifted to Morgana by the true Igor before he was sealed away by Yaldabaoth. Infused with the power to call upon Garu and transform into the Black Persona Ranger, Morgana was tasked with finding the Trickster and unite humanity against Yaldabaoth's attempt to seize control of Earth.

The Garu Zord can combine with the ArsĆØne Zord, Captain Kidd Zord, and Carmen Zord in order to form the Persona Megazord. As a part of the Persona Megazord, the Garu Zord can then be combined with the Robin Hood Megazord and the Cendrillon Megazord in order to form the Persona Ultrazord.
