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Fruit 1: Junk Food Invasion (果実1:ジャンクフードの侵略 Jankufūdo no shinryaku?) is the 1st episode of Kenko Sentai Kajitsuger. It is the debut is Kajitsu Red, Blue, and Yellow.


Junk food monsters were starting to invade Tokyo, and were getting people sick and die. Three people were chosen to stop this deadly junk food force. They are the Kenko Sentai Kajitsuger!


One day, all of Tokyo was safe. People were healthy, did exercise, and weren't sick. Suddenly, a sushi maker created a virus called the Bad Food Empire. All that junk part of it took over his body, turning him into Master Janku VIII. He awakened many monsters, and they started their rampage. Thousands of people were getting sick! Meanwhile, fruit salad cooker Eiji Seikai was cooking fruit salad for his sick father. It slowly turned into burger salad, which caused his father to die. Because of that, Eiji was severely traumatized by that, he swore revenge against Master Janku VIII. Later, a vegetable lord named Endo-san saw that all of the people were dying from cancer and diabetes, he chose 3 people: Eiji alongside 2 others: fruit slushie cooker Natsumi Hisatu, and healthy breakfast cooker Takeru Hinamori. The three were given three fruit powers: Takeru gets the apple, Eiji gets the Blueberry, and Natsumi gets the pineapple. They became color-coded heroes called the Kajitsugers. Takeru asks Eiji why was he happy that he finally got his powers and Eiji replies because his father died of diabetes and he swore revenge. The three then run to the battleground to fight Sodablaster. He blasts Natsumi with the soda inside him, the boys then take out the Kajitsu Blaster and defeat Sodablaster. After that, they took an injured Natsumi and went back to their homes.


Form Changes and Collectables Used[]



Logo-supersentai List of Kenko Sentai Kajitsuger episodes Icon-kajitsuger
Episodes 1-10
Fruit 1: Junk Food Invasion - Fruit 2: Kiwifruit, Strawberry - Fruit 3: Dinner at Endo-san's - Fruit 4: Natsumi has Recovered? - Fruit 5: Blackberry, Damson, and Eggplant - Fruit 6: For Kaoru and Kyuuma's Sake - Fruit 7: Apple No More - Fruit 8: The Situation Gets Worse - Fruit 9: Grape Swordsman, New Leader - Fruit 10: New Monsters on The Loose
Episodes 11-20
Fruit 11: The New Kajitsu Red - Fruit 12: Brother vs Brother - Fruit 13: We Have No Leader - Fruit 14: Takeru is Freed - Fruit 15: A New Team Member - Fruit 16: Travel to The Pacific - Fruit 17: We've Gone Crazy - Fruit 18: Enter, Kajitsu White
Kenko Sentai Kajitsuger Transformation Lesson: Time to Fruitform