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Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Universe.

Friends in Pretty Low Places is the twelfth episode of Power Rangers Universe. It is the first episode in the three-part arc dealing with the final battle with the Arkeyan Assassins Cereberos and Octiqua, and introduces Russell as Star Battleforce Ranger Series Aqua, and features the debuts of the Shield, Sniff, Ursa Major, and Sticky Sector Keys.


A routine mission to Earth by Arthur to further promote Star Battleforce's campaign to liberate the galaxy goes awry when Russell is captured by a commandant who happens to have collected what appears to be a pair of Sector Keys. As Arthur and the others rush to save him, Russell finds his way out of captivity to lead him to a path which is far more unexpected for him as it seems.


The episode begins with 5 of the S.B.F. Rangers mid-battle, as Arthur, Ryan, Megan, Moose, and Wild Bill have formed the Voyager Squad Megazord against another commandant, Fuzzy Spectra - who is piloting an A-Drone. When the default configuration of the megazord proves too weak against the A-Drone, Colonel Xiao, who is monitoring the Rangers on the bridge, as the some other rangers are said to be pursuing airborne bogeys in the Earth's stratosphere, orders them to re-arrange the voyager components to ensue a better turnout. To this advantage, Arthur makes things interesting by incorporating the Shield Sector Key, allowing the megazord to perform a special attack powerful enough to take out the A-Drone, and right before the A-Drone explodes, Spectra hops out and sprinkles some glitter over the Megazord. The five rangers return to the Destiny's bridge, where Florian and Bronzee are seeing if Russell - using a spare Uni-Controller against his own will - can morph, using the Sniff Sector Key; this attempt fails, as the Uni-Controller is incompatible with his DNA. This raises some speculation that Russell should join the team on the field, but Dimitri says that children should not be allowed onto the frontlines and he should remain in his day-to-day job on the Destiny, and Megan and Ryan even point out that is is against regulations to even participate in frontline combat below the age of 18, as Russell is only 12 years old.

Russell then takes this opportunity to reiterate that he has no intention of becoming a power ranger, and he is perfectly happy in his current post, before he storms off. Russell then heads to the promenade, contemplating words said by several team members about him, when Joi catches up to check on him. She is against Russell being dragged into ranger duties also, and does not understand why many people are even talking about it in the first place. Russell confides that he may be forced to become the eleventh ranger to join the team against his own will, so Joi gives him some advice and advises him that if he is forced into such situation, to back out of it right away. After Russell returns, Arthur checks the routine mission checklist, and figures out they have a few more promo runs on Earth, and invites Russell to join him and Wild Bill on the mission; Russell agrees, and they head to Earth. At Xibalba, Fuzzy Spectra is discussing his plans to destabilise the rangers with the senators and Cereberos, and his magic glitter that he scattered across the megazord can spread, and reveals that the glitter is spreading across the Destiny. Cereberos is intrigued, and reminds him that if something he attacks is covered in glitter, he can control it to his will. To this end, Spectra resumes his offensive, all while planning to lure the pollenated Destiny towards a dangerous position in space.

On a rebuilding town on Earth, more Ranger Series Program promotional efforts are underway from Arthur, Bill and Russell, as Arthur wonders why they are still doing promotional efforts. Russell reminds him that this is because of an ongoing drive to build back trust among earth's survivors who lost faith in Star Battleforce for failing to prevent the invasion on Earth, as well as to accelerate efforts to rebuild the planet. On the Destiny, the remaining crew members go back to their businesses, until Joi begins to experience a malfunction in the station's controls, as the others find out, it becomes apparent that Spectra's sprinkles have put the Destiny under his control, and as Dimitri points out, they won't be able to regain control unless the commandant is destroyed. Back on Earth, Spectra carries out his attack, and summons some Roswells. Arthur and Bill's lesson to earthlings is disrupted by this attack, and they morph, while Bill tells Russell to get to safety. Emboldened, Russell attempts to join the fight, and picks up some carbine rifles to shoot at the attackers. He is then suddenly captured by Spectra in a sneak attack, and Arthur attempts to rescue him, but Spectra teleports away, as the Roswells are routed. Remembering the time Ryan got kidnapped, Arthur demorphs, and voices frustration that Russell has now been kidnapped, and he and Wild Bill keep searching the area to figure out where Russell could have gone. Across town, Spectra brings Russell before a Mexican cartel which has links with the Arkeyans. Spectra orders the cartel's leader, Javier Escuela, to manipulate Russell if he wishes to escape captivity.

In the cartel's hideout, Russell is being interrogated by Escuela, and tries to tell him that he is not Arthur's ji lao, but Escuela refuses to beliveve the truth, and has him play a card game to guess which Sector Key is based on its constellation. He fails on all of his attempts, and his men punish him by spraying him with a hose. On the Destiny, with Colonel Xiao having been called away on urgent business, the others are struggling to control the station, as heat levels begin to rise due to the Destiny moving slowly towards the sun. Joi - one of three individuals onboard who are able to withstand the increasing heat, asks Arthur and Bill for an update on Russell's condition, only for Arthur to say they looked in slums for any sign of life, and complains they have no Sector Key of tracking him down. To this end, Joi provides them with a Trackify device, as well as a Sniff Sector Key, which can allow its user to track down one's scent. Arthur gives the Sector Key a spin, but Bill has trouble understanding Trackify. As this happens, Russell continues do endure several mind-numbing games laid for him by the cartel; as the chaos unfolds, Spectra overlooks the scene, and prepares to lay a trap for the other two rangers searching for him. For the final ordeal, Escuela challenges Russell to a cage fight; whoever wins will get access to a pair of Sector Keys "smuggled" from the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor Sectors. Russell continues to argue with Escuela, however, blaming him for capturing the wrong person, since he is merely a consultant than a full-duty ranger, but Escuela is adamant that children are just as much as a liability as Star Battleforce officers themselves - but Russell smugly retorts that's he's an employee. Escuela has none of it, and the cage match commences.

As this happens, after figuring out where Russell's whereabouts are, Arthur and Bill realise that Spectra has set up a trap for them. On the Destiny, Dimitri asks Joi and Bronzee to see if they can figure out why they canā€™t control the station; they see the micro particles on the exterior of Destiny. Arthur and Bill, having morphed, attempt to fight off Spectra, as he summons a horde of Roswells to attack. Meanwhile. inside the hideout, Russell is close to losing the cage match with Escuela, but just as the latter is about to taste victory, Russell suddenly gains the upper hand and emerges victorious, much the cartel's shock. As a reward, Escuela, realising that Russell has a Uni-Controller on, gives him the two Sector Keys, but forcibly places one such Sector Key, the Ursa Minor Key. on to it, and Russell, still objecting the idea of becoming a ranger, refuses to morph at Escuela's request, leading to a scuffle. As the situation intensifies, Russell does the only thing he can, and morphs, becoming Star Battleforce Ranger Series Aqua; needless to say, he freaks out, but as he fights Escuela's men to escape, he realises that he's enjoying himself after all. After this is done, Russell wonders what he was even thinking, but rubs it off as he decides to see what Arthur and Bill think. Outside the hideout, Arthur and Wild Bill are struggling against Spectra, just as Ranger Series Aqua bursts out of the building, much to everyone's surprise - and Arthur and Wild Bill don't even know who it is yet. This new ranger takes care of the Roswells and provides an opening for Arthur and Bill, who are able to weaken the commandant with their Universal Weapon System weapons. To this advantage, the ranger gets out the Ursa Major Sector Key, enbiggening himself from Mode Minor to Mode Major, which is able to swiftly subdue Spectra, wowing Arthur in particular.

Everyone onboard the Destiny is about to melt and die in the sun, but Arthur, Wild Bill and Ranger Series Aqua deliver an All-Star Sector Blast to finish off Spectra for good, while Joi, Moose and Bronzee are able to quickly turn the station around, although Bronzee comically falls on top of Florian in doing so. Impressed by their new ally, Arthur thanks him for their help, but Wild Bill says that this ranger sounds familiar. To this end, Arthur decides to show this new ranger's identity on board the Destiny in front of the crew. On board the Destiny, Moose is jubilant that he is now somehow immune to solar exposure, but Ryan corrects him, that he had that advantage since he is not organic, and the same went for Bronzee and Joi. After Arthur and Bill arrive on the bridge just in time to fill the others in, Arthur says they got help from an eleventh Star Battleforce Ranger. After he is asked regarding his identity, Ranger Series Aqua appears out of nowhere, and the rangers (except Arthur and Bill, who are aware of what is transpiring) stand ready to fight him, as Megan questions the ranger where he came from, and if he's legitimate or not, but much to her surprise, the ranger calls Megan as how Russell would normally refer to her as, leading Megan to ask him how he knows her name. In response, the ranger asks Megan why he wouldn't know her name, prompting Ryan in particular to order the ranger to reveal himself. With that, the ranger removes the Sector Key from his Uni-Controller and de-morphs, revealing himself to be Russell, much to the other crew member's surprise, as Arthur notes to WIld Bill that the crew's just about to get "a whole lot bigger".


Sector Keys[]


  • Voyager Squad Megazord Combinations:
    • ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Arthur, Wild Bill and Russell are the only rangers to appear morphed onscreen in this episode.
    • While Moose, Ryan and Megan are morphed during the megazord fight at the beginning of the episode, they are not shown in their morphed state.

See also[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Universe episodesIcon-kyuranger
Episodes 1-15

1: Powers from the Stars ā€¢ 2: Arkeyans Unleashed ā€¢ 3: The Dream Team ā€¢ 4: Blood and Poison ā€¢ 5: The Little Android That Could ā€¢ 6: Nine's Company ā€¢ 7: Species at Rest ā€¢ 8: Living the Party, Pegasus Style ā€¢ 9 & 10: When the Mighty Dragon Roars ā€¢ 11: Who in the World is Leviticus Cornwall? ā€¢ 12: Friends in Pretty Low Places ā€¢ 13: Belly of the Beast ā€¢ 14: Eleven's a Crowd ā€¢ 15: Mikhail Toxstatin, A Man of Honor

Part 16-30

16: A Quiet Time ā€¢ 17: Advertising, The New Galactic Art ā€¢ 18: The Master and The Molotov ā€¢ 19: Nowhere to Glow ā€¢ 20: Money Lending and Other Sins ā€¢ 21: Crystal Maze ā€¢ 22: A Promise Made Fourteen Years Ago ā€¢ 23: Russian Revolution ā€¢ 24: Prometheus ā€¢ 25: The Fine Joys of Publicity ā€¢ 26: Lure ā€¢ 27: A Very Dangerous Exchange ā€¢ 28: Make the Universe Great Again ā€¢ 29: TannhƤuser Gate ā€¢ 30: The Battle of Vis Urban

Episodes 31-45

31: Urban Pleasures ā€¢ 32: The Delights of Van Horn ā€¢ 33: The Serpent's Venom ā€¢ 34: Ancient History ā€¢ 35: The People vs. Ranger Series Metal ā€¢ 36: Banking, The Old Galactic Art ā€¢ 37: Welcome to the New World ā€¢ 38: Paradise Mercifully Departed ā€¢ 39: Hell Hath No Fury ā€¢ 40: A New Power ā€¢ 41: What Happens in the Dark... ā€¢ 42: ...Comes Out in the Light ā€¢ 43: The Orion Project ā€¢ 44: Fresh Milk ā€¢ 45: The Gilded Cage

Episodes 46-60

46: Late Checkout ā€¢ 47: An Intergalactic Pastoral Scene ā€¢ 48: Predator ā€¢ 49 & 50: The Colonel's Herald ā€¢ 51: Doradoball ā€¢ 52: Phil Bell Rides Again ā€¢ 53 & 54: To Live and Die in the Leo Sector ā€¢ 55: One Last Thing ā€¢ 56: To Xibalba ā€¢ 57: His Magnificence's Identity ā€¢ 58: The World We Left Behind ā€¢ 59: Magnificence Unleashed ā€¢ 60: The End Game

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