Frenzy Ultrazord is the combination of all 10 main Frenzy Zords: Lion, Fox, Giraffe, Frog, Eagle, Octopus, Dolphin, Stag, Beetle, and Dragon Frenzy Zords. The Lion Zord forms the torso, the Fox Zord forms the left turret, the Giraffe Zord forms the right turret and the sword's handle, the Frog Zord forms the hips, thighs, and legs and the Eagle Zord forms the arm gauntlet, the Octopus Zord forms the long belt, the Dolphin Zord forms the sword blade and chest, the Stag Zord forms the arms, Beetle Zord forms the feet and the Dragon Zord forms the wings and leg cannons. This Megazord fights the bad guys and monsters in combat. Giraffe Zord's neck can form the "Frenzy Sword". The finisher move is "Divine Frenzy Fury" and "Ultimate Frenzy Crush" to finish off the monsters at once.