Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Metal Florian
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an evil ranger in Power Rangers Universe.

Metal Florian was the corrupted form of Florian Hebitsuvic, after he was compromised and intoxicated by Metal Spice from Senator Pom-Pom, leading to him mutating into a Metal Beast, as well as the corruption of his Uni-Controller and his Sector Key. He would assume the form of His Magnificence's Most Loyal Ranger Series Metal.

Character History[]


Unlike his normal goofy and incompetent self, Metal Florian, as his situation suggests, is far more vicious, unstable, deranged, cruel, and displays loyalty to no one except Pom-Pom. He was shown to be extremely proud of how much power he had due to the Metal Spice, and constantly boasted about it during his confrontations with the rangers, even striving to become more powerful than any Arkeyan to exist. He even has no knowledge of his past life, and even claimed that the Florian the rangers once knew was "dead" and he claims to have taken his life. He even displayed his vicious attitude towards other Arkeyan heirarchy, including Gazla.


PRU-Metal Florian

Metal Florian

As a direct consequence of being infected with Metal Spice and being subsequently brainwashed and mutated with the disease, Florian's human body was disintegrated by the spice, and he was transformed into a Metal Beast. In this form, Florian's strength and ferocity increased drastically, due to the Metal Spice surging within himm. He was powerful enough to take on Arthur and the other rangers even without morphing.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Metal Spice Manipulation:



His Magnificence's Most Loyal Ranger Series Metal

"Metal! Let There Be Metal!"
ā€•transformation announcement via Arkeyan Controller

After being brainwashed and mutated into a Metal Beast by Pom-Pom, Florian's Ophiuchi Sector Key is converted into the Metal Sector Key. Inserting this Sector Key into his Uni-Controller turns the morpher into the Arkeyan Controller, which allows Metal Florian to transform into this form. In this form, his suit is covered in purple and yellow garb, with the snake emblem on his head partially painted red and his Uni-Scythe adopting a darker color scheme, and adopting the name of Arkeyan Wrath Blade.

Ranger Series Metal possesses powerful abilities previously lacked by Ranger Series Silver, including using the scarf around his neck to restrain his targets, as well as firing a powerful beam blast from the snake eye ornament on his chest.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Metal Spice Manipulation:





See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Universe Icon-kyuranger
Arthur Morgan - Dimitri Skorpirov - Wild Bill - Bronzee - Moose - Florian Hebitsuvic - Megan Sawyer - Joi - Ryan Torres - Colonel Xiao Longbao - Russell Cubowski - Agent 263
Evil Rangers: Metal Florian
Uni-Controller (Arkeyan Controller) - Drago Command Staff - Phoenix Saber & Shield
Multi-Use Devices
Sector Keys
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Universal Weaponization System
Uni-Saber - Uni- Spear - Uni-Claw - Uni-Bowgun - Uni-Axe - Uni-Scythe - Uni-Skewer - Uni- Sweeper - Uni-Razor
Other Devices
Ranger Lottery
Horsie - Supreme Commander Mor-La - Professor Levicitus Cornwall (good)
Leo Voyager 1 - Scorpio Voyager 2 - Lupus Voyager 3 - Libra Voyager 4 - Taurus Voyager 5 - Ophiuchi Voyager 6 - Chameleon Voyager 7 - Aquilla Voyager 8 - Dorado Voyager 9 - Drago Voyager 10 - Ursa Voyager 11 (U. Minor Voyager 11.1 - U. Major Voyager 11.2) - Phoenix Steel Zord - Phoenix Steel Dish - Phoenix Steel Launcher - Orion Voyager 13 - Orion Command Ship - Oracle Zord
Voyager Squad Megazord - Drago Pride Megazord - Phoenix Steel Megazord - Orion Megazord
Voyager Pride Megazord - Star Battleforce Ultrazord - Star Battleforce - Arsenal Ready - Leo Oracle Zord - Voyager Squad Oracle Zord
Arkeyan Empire
Leader: His Magnificence
Senators: Z'azlom (Z'Aezoth, Pom-Pom, Gazla)
Major: Volstagg - Cereberos - Mikhail Toxstatin - Octiqua
Minor: Bazoo Kaboom - Free K. Tiki - Warden Gatling - Tankin' Joe - Fris Breach - Billy Basebrawl - Southon Cross
Lone Commandants: Perpiculous Plump - Dreamin' Weave - Dagi Long-Necks - Roboto Epee - TBA - Fuzzy Spectra - Gigan UFO-Lots - Sunken Gear - Kage Avalon - Stone Juvenile - Extra Neck-Teach - Giwi McNewzie - Endoskel Pinch
O'Neil Brothers: Otis O'Neil - Norman O'Neil - Javier O'Neil - Dale O'Neil - Ernie O'Neil - Earl O'Neil - Wilton O'Neil - Dalton O'Neil - Elwood O'Neil
Enforcement-Class: Lord Stinker
Scientists: Professor Leviticus Cornwall (evil) - Scapel
Footsoldiers: Roswells - Moonbillies
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